
is it just me or are they too bassy... not liking them at all...
the neck pickup's really muddy too.

I didn't like mine either. The neck was too bassy and scooped and the bridge didn't seem to cut and had horribly shrill highs. I changed mine to PAF Pro and Tone Zone, and couldn't be happier.

I agree... I didn't like this set either and spent so much time buying stomp boxes and tubes for my amp to fix the problem. THan one day I realized that what I needed to do was get rid of them.

They just don't cut through and are muddy, not defined at all. Somewhat disapponted that Gibson would place those pups in their guitars.

Seymour should wind some PuPs for them, that would be an awesome combination.

I also find those pickups to be a bit lacking. For me personally, the neck pickup wasn't that bad, it was the bridge that I didn't like and it was mostly the treble that I didn't like. To harsh and not clear at all. Right now I've got a CC in my LP and the treble is soooo sweet and clear. I love it. For you though since you seem to find them muddy and bassy, I'd suggest a JB/Jazz combo.

the 498 seems too muddy
the 490 seems too plinky.


i've had the set in my sg for a while now and i used to think they were great...that is, until i got a jb put in my lp. i then realized how bassy and harsh it (the 498t) was. i'm now thinking of popping in a dimarzio FRED/PAF Joe combo and seeing if that helps the guitar do what i want.

Originally Posted by deftgalaSeymour should wind some PuPs for them, that would be an awesome combination.

yes it would.

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