Hey folks, got a FRED in the test axe and liking it - it's what I wanted the Demon to be, whereas the demon was a bit shrill. What I like about the FRED is that clean it sparkles, you can play clean all day amp; it is just gorgeous.
Overdriven it stays crisp...not as rude as my '59s (in another mahogany axe). It is more neutral than the JB, which I just took out - but it does not have the same beef. It's really about the same power as the 59 bridge, just EQ'd differently, and I'm looking for something with more heaviness.
this is for the mahogany superstrat I am building. All mahogany, no cap but pao ferro fboard, which is a hard wood like maple.
I want a bit more beef than the FRED but with the clarity of the FRED. Tried a C5 long ago but found it a bit muddy sounding clean - compare the Duncan pickup disk of the CC to the JB and Demon and the C5 sounded a tad muffly like the CC on the pup disk.
So I'm wondering - what's closer to what I'm looking for? Dimarzio Norton or the Jazz bridge -- yes, a Jazz...had a Jazz neck once amp; it was pretty high output, I figure the bridge model must be pretty stout. Anyone got experience with these two?
thanks in advance.
- May 26 Tue 2009 20:51
A little heavier than the FRED...Norton or Jazz?