
im curious what about a pickup ( or pickups ) make them better / easier for doing harmonics ? ( namely pinch harmonics ) would hotter pickups be better for this ? or brighter more trebly pickups ?

In my experience, hotter/brighter pickups do make it easier. For ease of harmonics, I would go for these pickups in this order, Invader, Full Shred, Custom 5, Distortion. Mainly the Full Shred and the Invader get them very easily. Though, they are exact oppisites. The Invader dosent apply to the Brighter/trebly rule though. It just has massive output.

If you would rather stay on the PAF side, the Pearly Gates is said to have these characteristics.

A good part of it is also amp settings and playing style...for me pinch harmonics come easiest on brighter guitars (ash or maple/ Maple or ebony board) and brighter pickups

As far as pickups go, for me I´d say (easiest to hardest, of those I´ve tired myself): Distortion, Distortion Trembucker, JB, Dimebucker, JBJr, Hotrails, Custom Custom, Custom.

But I can get them to fly off my Les Paul with an EMG 81n/85b setup just as easily, so that would kind of add weight to the amp/ playing style argument

the custom isnt very 'harmonic heavy' pup?

hmmm ..

I find it's more technique than anything. I can get pinch harmonics out of single coils if need be.

My Custom hit's them about as well as the JB.

I think it's all of them.
With a hotter pickup you get them easier. But it also depends on your technique, the level of distortion, and of course you should use the bridge pickup!

Originally Posted by Daveythe custom isnt very 'harmonic heavy' pup?

hmmm ..

When did I say that?

IMO there comes a point in the output above which any pup can make harmonics fly, and I´d say that´s a fair bit under the output of the Custom series pups

cool thanks im putting together another V that i just got ( mahogany / maple ebony ) and having a bit of a problem selecting pickups though im leaning toward X2N's ( bridge neck ) or JB Jazz

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