
Fender showmaster special edition. Very nice feeling guitars. Perfect feeling to me in fact. If they were a little higher quality with larger frets and a better trem unit I think I'd buy one. They are made in Korea. If there were a good american made version of this I'd be in heaven. what is wrong with them??? from the looks, they are just great ... and they bring SD on them ?

Wouldn't an American made version of those be a Gamp;L Invader?

There is a more expensive US model, the showmaster. Slightly different specs but way higher quality. Several different models...

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I've played the SSS version of the second picture. It was a real sexy guitar. I dug it.

I wanted one of them but with a FLOYD ROSE.

I agree with WFD, those Fender trems suck ass..... but anyway, those guitars seem pretty good, maybe even closing in on shredder territory as far as I've heard, seeing as they have XJ frets IIRC, and nice necks.

these had medium jumbo frets, 24 frets, and super fast playing. If it had a floyd it'd be a great shred axe.

you gotta get over this no MIK gotta buy MIA phobia hehe...some of the MIK guitars i own (3 now) and have played are actually better than some MIA guitars i've played before. take that esquire GT i told you about the other day...well i got it today and this is the second guitar out of tons i have owned that came to me mail order in near perfect tune (just a tad flat) with the innotation very close to perfect...wanna guess what the other was that came in tune and innotated gold esquire tele clone that's also MIK. i still find it odd that my two cheapest guitars came with the best setups and managed to stay in tune during shipping lol and my guitars that have cost me more have needed full setups and some even fret leveling to be great players. the GT has no sharp frets, no fret buzz and is the lightest guitar i have ever played or owned (i gotta weigh this thing b/c it's a feather), and it just kicks ass for what i paid for it, i'm lovin' it so far. i know you said you don't like the fret size but don't ever let MIK (in general) stop you just b/c they quot;shouldquot; be bad guitars! granted some suck a$$ but there are some jems out there, i just got lucky with the 3 MIK guitars i own i guess. anyway, enough babble, that second one you posted is sweet!! so, in short buy a schecter and call it a day!!


this one looks awesome
yeah, i'm lovin' that one ex...mahogany with set mahogany neck with a 12quot; radius...perfect for me!!


Originally Posted by XSSIVEyou gotta get over this no MIK gotta buy MIA phobia hehe...some of the MIK guitars i own (3 now) and have played are actually better than some MIA guitars i've played before. take that esquire GT i told you about the other day...well i got it today and this is the second guitar out of tons i have owned that came to me mail order in near perfect tune (just a tad flat) with the innotation very close to perfect...wanna guess what the other was that came in tune and innotated gold esquire tele clone that's also MIK. i still find it odd that my two cheapest guitars came with the best setups and managed to stay in tune during shipping lol and my guitars that have cost me more have needed full setups and some even fret leveling to be great players. the GT has no sharp frets, no fret buzz and is the lightest guitar i have ever played or owned (i gotta weigh this thing b/c it's a feather), and it just kicks ass for what i paid for it, i'm lovin' it so far. i know you said you don't like the fret size but don't ever let MIK (in general) stop you just b/c they quot;shouldquot; be bad guitars! granted some suck a$$ but there are some jems out there, i just got lucky with the 3 MIK guitars i own i guess. anyway, enough babble, that second one you posted is sweet!! so, in short buy a schecter and call it a day!!


Don't worry, you don't have to tell me that, I've played years on korean schecters and ESP's. I've come to favor american and japanese guitars though. They only beef I have with that guitar is the frets are too small to be comfortable, the fretboard wood they use is total crap, like bolivian rosewood or something, the one that looks like plastic, and the trem bridge is total garbage. if 2 out of those 3 thing were different I'd probably get one.

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