Pedal is in mint condition and will come in original box. $160 shipping or trade towards a DL4.
- May 26 Tue 2009 20:51
Boss DD20 for sale/trade
- May 26 Tue 2009 20:51
Amp Rig pics!! (Vox people, take a look!)
Alright, well I couldn't sell my rectoverb no matter how hard I tried..every deal fell through on me...which means I couldn't buy Puckboy's 4x10 Blue Angel which saddens me deeply. But at the same time I knew the rectoverb wasn't for me, and I was made an offer on it I couldn't refuse!! So got it in and took a couple of pics...I've been playing it a little bit, but haven't really put it through it's paces yet....we'll see how it acts, especially when a/b/y'd with my Fender Blues Jr.
- May 26 Tue 2009 20:51
How the Pros practice
Hey everyone,
- Apr 08 Wed 2009 20:51
The return of AMPZILLA
This is an appropriatley scruffy pic of my dusty and crusty stash of noisemakers. I LOVE THEM ALL SO DEARLY!! The uglier and dirtier, generally the happier I am. One day I will actually own a digital camera and trust me the amps will look even uglier!
I dig the old Gibson bout a break down of what all we all are lookin at?
- Apr 08 Wed 2009 20:51
antiquities OR seth lovers?
I have a pair of seth lovers in my Michael Kelly Patriot LP and really love them. But, a friend of mine is selling an almost brand new set of ant's for 150. Wanna hear opinions on if I should buy them. Are they really as good as people say or should I just save my cash and stick with the seths?
- Apr 08 Wed 2009 20:51
Listen to this song, What do u think?
This is one of my bands songs. The vocals are a bit out but ok.
It was recorded live on an analog 4-track then put on PC so the quality is a bit suss.
- Apr 08 Wed 2009 20:51
strat knobs..
how do u take the strat knobs off? just pry em off or what? cuz ive been told the buzzing my strat makes is coming from a loose wire or volume pot.. and by the way how do u fix that?
- Apr 08 Wed 2009 20:51
Gauge Guitars is Online!!!
Okay guys,
As some of you may know, I was working on a brochure ffor my guitars for some time. Well, my wife decided to get me a website instead. I'm a lucky guy.
- Apr 08 Wed 2009 20:51
Just love my new Tweak Fuzz!
At UGD, Evan mentioned that the Tweak Fuzz began shipping last week.
- Apr 08 Wed 2009 20:51
Strat Pickups
I want to rewire my guitar so that I can run the bridge middle and the middle neck in series, like say selector positions 2/4 be series, instead of parallel.