
At UGD, Evan mentioned that the Tweak Fuzz began shipping last week.

As soon as I got home, I ordered one from Kevin @ BlackRose.

I got a note back:

quot;Thank you for your order. You are our first customer to purchase the Tweak Fuzz. Please let me know what you think of the pedal after you have used it a few times.


Kevin Bassett
Black Rose Custom Instrumentsquot;

anyway, it was here when I got home today, so I plugged in for half an hour or so ...
very cool ... a nice smooth fuzz that can get nasty when cranked ..
I played my quot;avatarquot; strat thru my Blues Jr. I set the TF on quot;5quot;, with the volume and gain around 1 o' clock.
Like most fuzz pedals, the best setting for me is on the neck pup, with the tone backed off and the volume cranked ... gets you into that quot;whooooop whooooopquot; endless s u s t a i n

anyway, highly recommended - and for the $$, a no brainer for those looking for a fuzz pedal ... it'll get you those quot;Heart Full of Soulquot; and quot;Foxey Ladyquot; tones.

for the record, I've got several fuzz boxes for reference - a couple Dunlop Fuzz Faces, including one modded at their Custom Shop, a Dunlop round Jimi fuzz, a newer Arbiter FF, a SoulBender, a Yardbox, and an Orange Sunshine made by Tracy Sands, who works at Bad Cat now.
The Tweak Fuzz will hang with all these. I haven't explored all the tweak settings yet, but so far, so good.

Unfortunately, I'm dealing with computer hell lately, so it might be a while before I can post clips


Man, I am really interested in one of these, but it will be a few months before I can get one.

Hope you get those computer problems sorted out soon so we can hear clips!!!

Originally Posted by CurlyAt UGD, Evan mentioned that the Tweak Fuzz began shipping last week.

As soon as I got home, I ordered one from Kevin @ BlackRose.

I got a note back:

quot;Thank you for your order. You are our first customer to purchase the Tweak Fuzz. Please let me know what you think of the pedal after you have used it a few times.


Kevin Bassett
Black Rose Custom Instrumentsquot;

anyway, it was here when I got home today, so I plugged in for half an hour or so ...
very cool ... a nice smooth fuzz that can get nasty when cranked ..
I played my quot;avatarquot; strat thru my Blues Jr. I set the TF on quot;5quot;, with the volume and gain around 1 o' clock.
Like most fuzz pedals, the best setting for me is on the neck pup, with the tone backed off and the volume cranked ... gets you into that quot;whooooop whooooopquot; endless s u s t a i n

anyway, highly recommended - and for the $$, a no brainer for those looking for a fuzz pedal ... it'll get you those quot;Heart Full of Soulquot; and quot;Foxey Ladyquot; tones.

for the record, I've got several fuzz boxes for reference - a couple Dunlop Fuzz Faces, including one modded at their Custom Shop, a Dunlop round Jimi fuzz, a newer Arbiter FF, a SoulBender, a Yardbox, and an Orange Sunshine made by Tracy Sands, who works at Bad Cat now.
The Tweak Fuzz will hang with all these. I haven't explored all the tweak settings yet, but so far, so good.

Unfortunately, I'm dealing with computer hell lately, so it might be a while before I can post clips


Way to go buddy...I want one of those also...How does it do with your wahs Curly? Do we need to put Foxrox buffers into our wahs or no? Thanks for posting...Another quot;must havequot; thing to spend more money on....LOL

haven't tried it with a wah yet ... maybe tomorrow or the weekend

I'll just add that it sounded pretty good playing two or three notes, or octaves ... some pedals will mush out a little when you do that

Originally Posted by CurlyJohn,
haven't tried it with a wah yet ... maybe tomorrow or the weekend

I'll just add that it sounded pretty good playing two or three notes, or octaves ... some pedals will mush out a little when you do that

We can put the Foxrox buffer in one of your wahs if you find a problem running your wah with it? Maybe it won't be a problem for us though...Do let us know how it works out with your wahs brother..Glad you got it...Hope you enjoy it...

Brother John

I'll definitely try it with a wah in the next few days.

After thinking about it though, I can tell you there was no noise, and even better - no radio station reception!

that's a definite plus in a fuzz box

Originally Posted by CurlyJohn,
I'll definitely try it with a wah in the next few days.

After thinking about it though, I can tell you there was no noise, and even better - no radio station reception!

that's a definite plus in a fuzz box

Curly....Glad to hear it....I'll be getting one in the near future after I pay off my Vox head....

I enjoyed all the pictures of yourself and all our forum brothers that attended the show with Seymour and friends..WISH I could have been there,but::::::Life I guess?

can the fuzz get really heavy? i am actually looking into buying a fuzz, but i want it to be versatile and be able to get a really heavy almost unbearable sound.

Sounds cool Gary. I think you're the first person that I've known that actually owns one.

I hope you can write us a longer review once you've had a chance to wring it out.

Originally Posted by nepalnt21can the fuzz get really heavy? i am actually looking into buying a fuzz, but i want it to be versatile and be able to get a really heavy almost unbearable sound.

well, the gain is 23-50 db ... that should be plenty

I only had the volume and gain about a little over halfway up ... plenty of gain on tap

yeah, Artie, I hope to get files up this weekend, but I'm still dealing with issues on the new PC

Id like to try that one out, but im really happy with my Fulltone 69 anyway, its good enough for me! Glad you like it.

Curly, did you steal one from the factory last week?

Originally Posted by Scott_FCurly, did you steal one from the factory last week?

nah, I actually bought and paid for one

Man, you're starting to get quite the cool collection of pedals! Bring some up, if you end up meeting me at the Amp Show. I have a feeling that place is gonna make me wish I were rich! LOL

Originally Posted by nepalnt21can the fuzz get really heavy? i am actually looking into buying a fuzz, but i want it to be versatile and be able to get a really heavy almost unbearable sound.

You want the Zvex Fuzz Factory

Does it do the early Jimmy Page (Zep 1 and live ~1969 and 1970) sound?

Originally Posted by sooperunknYou want the Zvex Fuzz Factory

yeah i WANT that, but the tweak fuzz is 99 bucks

Curly, are you running the SFX-01 into the SFX-02? With your SSL-3, I'll bet that you get some monster tones.

glad ya like it curly. i never got around to really playing with one. looking forward to the clips!

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