

Just recently bought a 59 bridge pickup and i was looking for something for the neck. I play alot of Alt rock (Smashing Pumpkins, REM, Foo's etc.) and i am looking for a good neck pickup for soloing - any suggestions?



What kind of guitar wil ou be putting it in? Also, what's the amp situation like?

I play a lot of the same music you do, with a Les Paul, an '81 Hamer Special, and an Epi Sheraton. I play through a Boss GT-8 into a Mesa/Boogie power secction.

In the LP, I have a Pearly Gates set, In the Sheraton, I have a Phat Cat set, and in the Hamer, I currently have an APH in the neck and a custom 5 in the bridge.

they all sound great, but do have their differences.

For REM, some Foo Fighters, and oddly enough, Smashing Pumpkins, the Sheraton with the Phat Cats is all over those sounds.

For the heavier Foo stuff, Collective soul, and AC'Dc style riffage, the Hamer with the APH/C5 excels.

For STP, Foo Fighters, some REM, Alice In Chains, and general rock, the LP with the Pearly Gates set works very, very well. In fact, it's the guitar that's the most fun for me to play.

As far as which neck pickup to go with the 59b, it depends what kind of sound you want. for glassier cleans and fat overdriven leads with plenty of cut, I'd go with a Phat Cat. For a smooth, creamy lead tone with mellow cleans and an overall quot;friendlyquot; character, the APH is great. For raunchy overdrive, vocal sounding leads, and great, hollow PAF tone with just a bit more bite, the Pearly gates is great. In fact, the Pearly is my all time favorite neck humbucker.

BTW, i'm not too fond of the 59 in the neck position of a guitar. To me the 59 is boomy and too glassy at the same time, while not having enough mids to push through.

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