
I thougth i should post a poll about what is the most preferred output tube here on the board, since im curious what is the most common, and\or versitale one.

Please post why you prefer your chosen tube too, that would be helpful to me and other people here wondering of the same thing.


i chose other but i have three that i really like for different applications. i am a big fan of 6l6's and 6v6's but i am currently runnig only kt66's. i really like the tight low end of the 6l6's and the shimmering top end too. i like the bluesy sound of 6v6's and i like the milkshake thick tones of the kt66's.

KT88 for lots of clean headroom....

Wish i could afford a tube amp right now lol

I use 6L6's, theres no real reason why I use them over another tube. My amp came with them in it and I liked the sound, so I haven't tried any others.

I'd like to hear what other people have used in there amps too.

I like the EL84. In a small/medium amp, it gets that sweet sound when you crank it.
I just ordered a Mesa Boogie Lonestar Special with them today!

I like EL-34s the most, but also like 6L6's. Tesla E-34L's for 50W EL-34 for 100W, Svetlana =C=, Siemens, Mullard

6L6's....Svetlana =C=, RCA NOS, Sovtek WXT, Tesla

12AX7's. GT C's and M's, Tungsol (Russia), Amperex BB, Telefunken, Sovtek LPS

It depends on the amp?

6L6 for my Fender stuff
EL34 for the Marshall stuff

Stringmachine: Hei min norske venn

I played a Mesa Lone Star last week, and i must say it had the sweetest breakup tone i've ever heard. It just sings!


I've been partial to EL34s (6CA7s, actually) for the past few years but my current #1 runs 6L6s.

EL34's are cool for that cushy british sound. I'm leaning towards 6550's because of their late breakup, though.

My 5150 has 6L6 as standard and i love the sound, no need for a change

nothing beats the sweet crunch of EL-34's

6.........................l....................... ..6(g c)

I really dig EL-84s, but I don't really care about what power tubes an amp has as long as it sounds great. My Fender Vibrolux Reverb is a 6l6 beast, the Hughes amp; Kettner Triamp was an EL-34 monster and I liked them all for their respective tones.

Yeah, it really depends on the amp design. I just go through phases. I spent the 80's on EL-34's, the whole 90's on 6L6's, and now mostly EL-34's, but I wouldn't rule anything out as long as it sounds great.

I use EL34s right now, but I'm selling that amp for a power amp with 6L6s, so I can't really compare them yet.

Nothing beats the tone of 100 all tube watt EL34s, IMO.

I love the nice, tight cruch EL34s give when you get them really screaming; the clean tones are nice and sparkly, too. I like 12AX7s in the preamp.
6L6 just sound to...clean to my ears; I could never really get that 'mean' tone with them.

KTT88s come in as close second to EL34s, though.

Right now its 6L6GC, but I love the sound of EL34s too. Each has its advantages. If I could afford to have more than one tube amp I'd probably have one with each.

i tend to lean towards amps with 6l6s for some reason...


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