
I have to urge everyone who's lusting over owning tons of guitars to rethink.
I've had my share of guitars and amps, and must say....when you have a few of your favorite guitars, there's no point in owning more than you can play.
However, a bunch of amps sitting in a row is so much funner. You can take the guitars you've outfitted with good pickups, and have grown fond of, and just hear them with so many different flavors of tone. It's all about AMPS!!!

In a perfect world, you could play clean on Fenders, Vox, Matchless, Victoria, or a Bluesbreaker. You could riff all night on vintage Marshalls, Hiwatts, Mesa or Gibson amps. Walk over to your favorite highgain amp and let the solos rip on a Splawn, Bogner, Soldano, or Two Rock. Yeah, I know, what a luxury......but amps cost about the same as guitars, so why not have more amps, and a few main player guitars?

not a bad idea if i had the money... how many amps do you have anyways?

Yeah, it was cool when I had about 10 sitting around at one time.................

Till the boss (wife ) decided that unless I was a touring professional raking in the big dough I better unload some sh!t before she did!!!
***Moral of the story***

Guitars are easier to hide

Why not just have lots of BOTH!

I completely agree. I am inspired much more by amps than guitars. I was a one amp one guita guy all through the 90s. No more. To much great stuff to hear. 12 amps later I am still not done!!

I own 11 guitars right now...I think. I lose track. I play 2 of those on a day to day basis. In the last year, I've been far more interested in amps and pedals. I've found that a good amp is far more inspiring to me than lusting after more guitars. I'd suggest a couple of good guitars to start with and then explore the vast world of amplification. Right now, I'm looking at trading/selling some guitars to purchase future amps.

I think I went guitar crazy because the guitar seems to have more personality than an amp, which I see more as a tool. We commonly personify our guitars, and I think that has to do with the physical connection we have with them through playing.

Guitars also take up a lot less space than amps (generally, of course). I#8217;ve got room for another case and space on my wall for another axe, but I don#8217;t have space for another half stack.

I like TGWIF#8217;s idea, though, why not have lots and lots of both.

Originally Posted by the guy who invented fireWhy not just have lots of BOTH!

I agree with Christian on this one!!

Yeah..while I won't begrudge anyone their choice in gear...or how many of each kind..I'm a one amp kinda guy and prefer multiple guitars...

One good marshall and a couple or three peds will do everything I really like and want. On occasion I love to noodle around with a Fender type sound...but it's rare....I hardly ever switch over to the (absolutely wonderful) american channel on my Rivera....the other flavor amps with their own sig tones just aren't that desireable to me anymore (MESA, VOX, etc)

If I had mulitple amps it would just be a handful of diff Marshalls..a JTM45 for blues/blues rock/cleans, a 72-ish metalface 1987 or 1959, and an 2203/2204. Possibly modded by someone like Bray or quot;clonesquot; of the same by Boutique manufacturers.

I wish I was rich when I read this

If you think of a lot of the greats, they have a few guitars you associate with them. If you think of Lennon, you think of the refinned black Rick or the sanded Casino, Blackie dominated much of Clapton's career, Page has his #1, Satch has that silver Ibanez...

But the amps are very anonymous- but have a bigger effect on what you hear.

got to love the amps !!!!!!!!!! now that i am down to one i know how much i miss another flavor and this winter i will have another

Great Advice GJ. I think you are absolutely right on this one....Unless you simply want a museum for guitars or have tons of extra dough around and can buy all the junk you want. If you are Billy G or Joe Walsh or Joe it all.

I agree. I would be perfectly happy with one more guitar, and probably will end my gear, guitarwise, with that.

I still want a VHT, Bogner, Framus, Krank, ENGL, etc....


i own a couple axes, i´m getting an esp axe this week and selling the explorer to save for a 7 string (not happy with the guitar btw), and then, i don´t need nor want anything more about an electric guitar... but i would love to have a couple amps after having the triaxis...

for a british based amp a Mesa Stilleto Trident (not a DSL, sorry )

for one boutique amp (pure lust) a Diezel Herbert or a Bogner Uberschall

for a SS/tube hybrid amp a Randall Vmax (yeah its not a marshall neither)

btw dunno how much have you paid for your guitars but the prices of 2 of this 3 amps are much higher than the axes i have (i´m paying 3000 € for the bc rich, the esp will cost me 1500€ and the future 7 string would be about 1700 €)...the diezel or bogner heads are going over 4ks...

I like having both... lots of amps and lots of guitars..... i have 7 amps and 22 guitars..... But oddly i will be changing my gear around in the future... sell some guitars to get more amps is a big maybe.. I still am looking for a new amp that gives me the sound i want.. I'm never 100% happy.

yeah, even though i still need about 3 more guitars (ric 12, LP, strat) .. i think a coupla tube amps have to be next ... i want to learn the differences between EL34s, EL-84, 6V6s, etc ...


Here's how I see it, every good player should have 3 guitars, les paul, strat, and tele. Well ok, maybe 2 tele's.

Anyway, you can't really do that with amps, the ones I'd like to have are , bogner metropolis, vintage marshalls, BF deluxe, BF champ, superchamp, tweed tremolux,boogie tremoverb, boogie rack, with multiple preamps, marshall bluesbreaker, any number of boutiques (there's too many good ones to mention), etc, the list goes on.

I've got my guitars, have had them for some time, but my amp search goes on, like it's barely begun.

I have shaved down to 4 guitars.
Amps on the other hand....more of those

I wonder if age has anything to do with it? When I was younger, all I could think about was what guitar I wanted. Then a few years ago, I starting getting into different amps. Now I look at my guitars and think quot;why the heck do I have so many guitarsquot;, but I'm still craving amps. I've got twelve amps with one on the way and I still want more. Granted I'm probably going to knock off about four or six amps soon just because I never use them....but I know eventually I'll get another, and another, and another, LOL

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