
This didn't sell on eBay, so here we go...

DXMGT dinky body in a vintage sunburst flametop color. 8/10 condition, large dings pictured. Some slight buckle rash on back, and a scratch around the tone pot. Tone knob covers this ring, however. Body played and sounded great while I had it set up. Includes TOM bridge, pre-wired 3 way switch, master volume and tone, and output jack.

Pics at: from : localhost/

I'd like to get 50 shipped or so for it, or make me an offer. Trades I'd accept would be a Tubescreamer or SD-1 of sorts, or a Duncan Custom Trembucker in black.

nice nice, it didn't sell on ebay? What were you trying to get for it?

from : localhost/;rd=1

I had the reserve at 50 IIRC.

None of my stuff seems to be really selling lately, besides a couple pickups I had on before. I'm really starting to think it's the bad feedback I got? Or do I just need to take better pictures/lay it out better?

you have pm

ebay is a fickle mistress. i dont think its becuase of your feedback. just tonight i bought a ps1 on ebay. the one i had bid on b4 was at 36 bucks for the console and 14 games from a guy with tons of good and bad feedback. just before the auction ended it shot up to 103 bucks, 15 mins later i won an auction for the same thing, but with 12 games instaed of 14, but this one had 2 extra controlers and 3 mem cards from a diff seller with 100% positive feedback and was the only bidder at 19.99. go figure

PM returned.

HR77, I'll take it you don't want my PS2 then?

im still lookin for a ps2, just gotta get more funds, havent heard from my bud with the tube screamer yet, but if dave (theodie) wants it, lay it on him bro.

PM sent.

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