
Ok, so heres the deal. I had a Squier Standard Fat strat in a color I've never seen elsewhere, and I was looking for another strat (I don't know why, I just really love strats). Anyway, it's just my luck a guy had a used 1998 Fender Mexican Standard strat for half the price of new. This wasn't just great but even better because I was looking at the same one (exept with a humbucker). So I called and FINALLY got a hold of him (as did many others) and I was able to go and try it out...and I boought it, right there in his house, and I am so happy I did.
It's black with a maple fretboard and 3 S-C (if it was my choice I would've gotton wine red or blue agave, and I was still debating on the fretboard wood...if I liked rosewood I was thinking about the Fender Deluxe too).
I haven't taken it in for a setup yet (this week) because I was playing it too much, and I havent switched the strings to 10's yet because the 9's were fresh, so why waste a set of strings??

Alright, now thta I finnaly got that out of my system, here's my questions:

Agt; The bridge, the tremolo (which keeps in tune VERY well with trem use..surprisingly well) BUT, the back of it is above the body of te guitar (if you don't know what I mean I can post pictures) I used to think this was bad (b4 I got this) but I have heard that other have this (yngwie?), anyway, is it considered floating now?? I've been scared to try drop-D (which I barely use) incase of what can happen. It's about 1cm off the body at the back and I plan on bringing it down to about half the height so I can still raise the pitch. Is this safe?? And what else can you tell me about this?? ( the bridge being up)

B (last one)gt; I plan on getting a S-C szed humbucker in September for it (so I can keep the look). I was debating on eithe a SD Hot-Rails ir the SD Lil' JB (for bridge pos.) Can you guys tell me more bout these or other ones? Also, I heard I should change my pot from a 250k to a 500k for the humbucker, producing a brighter sound, this will affect my single coils too right? And can the tone knob help quot;emulatequot; what the sound was before the pot change? I also plan on having the second tone knob to work the bridge pickup, is this wise?? Any other help would be appreciated.

P.S. I want to put pics of my strats in the thread with all of you guys' strats, how do I do this?

Welcome to the forum.

I'll try to answer some of your questions.

If I understand correctly your trem would be considered floating. IMO It'll be easier to use the trem floating, but it'll be harder to tune. You will probably have to loosen the springs on the trem to put it in drop D.

The only single coil sized humbucker i've used is the coolrails. It's a great pickup for blues and classic rock (IMO) and sounds great split.

hope I helped some.

If the bridge is above the body (and thus you can bring the pitch up with the trem), then it's floating. If you change the low E to a D, then very likely the other strings will go out of tune. If you want to bring the trem closer to the body, then you tighten the screws on the trem claw on the back. If they're already tight, you can try adding a trem spring or two to the trem claw.

As for the pickups, I've tried either one, so there are others who will have better things to say.

Welcome to the forum.

I have a fat strat and I added two extra springs. Yes, go with the 500K pot. I also have an sd hot-rails and I love it. The SD site has a place where you can hear them being played in different positions.

I had so much headache with the whammy on my MIM strat... Never used it, but if i did dip, then... reach for the tuner all in one movement. So i put two more springs in, pulling it flush to the body, then i blocked it off with some wood. Now its a hardtail and it seems to resonate better too. But the feel is different on bends. No whammy for me...

Thanks alot guys, this trem stays in-tune VERY well (i was surprised) anyway, how do you post pictures of it in the forum, I want to add pics in that thread where everyone else is showing their strats.

Originally Posted by Kamanda~SDOk, so heres the deal. I had a Squier Standard Fat strat in a color I've never seen elsewhere, and I was looking for another strat (I don't know why, I just really love strats). Anyway, it's just my luck a guy had a used 1998 Fender Mexican Standard strat for half the price of new. This wasn't just great but even better because I was looking at the same one (exept with a humbucker). So I called and FINALLY got a hold of him (as did many others) and I was able to go and try it out...and I boought it, right there in his house, and I am so happy I did.
It's black with a maple fretboard and 3 S-C (if it was my choice I would've gotton wine red or blue agave, and I was still debating on the fretboard wood...if I liked rosewood I was thinking about the Fender Deluxe too).
I haven't taken it in for a setup yet (this week) because I was playing it too much, and I havent switched the strings to 10's yet because the 9's were fresh, so why waste a set of strings??

Alright, now thta I finnaly got that out of my system, here's my questions:

Agt; The bridge, the tremolo (which keeps in tune VERY well with trem use..surprisingly well) BUT, the back of it is above the body of te guitar (if you don't know what I mean I can post pictures) I used to think this was bad (b4 I got this) but I have heard that other have this (yngwie?), anyway, is it considered floating now?? I've been scared to try drop-D (which I barely use) incase of what can happen. It's about 1cm off the body at the back and I plan on bringing it down to about half the height so I can still raise the pitch. Is this safe?? And what else can you tell me about this?? ( the bridge being up)

B (last one)gt; I plan on getting a S-C szed humbucker in September for it (so I can keep the look). I was debating on eithe a SD Hot-Rails ir the SD Lil' JB (for bridge pos.) Can you guys tell me more bout these or other ones? Also, I heard I should change my pot from a 250k to a 500k for the humbucker, producing a brighter sound, this will affect my single coils too right? And can the tone knob help quot;emulatequot; what the sound was before the pot change? I also plan on having the second tone knob to work the bridge pickup, is this wise?? Any other help would be appreciated.

P.S. I want to put pics of my strats in the thread with all of you guys' strats, how do I do this?If its a cm above the body that is way too much. Not only is it safe to to tighten the trem springs its imperative. You will be able to achieve much better action and intonation with the bridge setup properly

To post a pic, you can either attach the file when you post a reply or make a new thread. Or you can use or and upload your pics there, and then post the hotlink here.

thanks guys...and yah, i thought the bridge was a little too high.

O ya, does anyone know what the body wood on the 1998?? I heard polar and alder, and whats the difference sound/ weight wise of these 2 woods?

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