
I know alot of people use it in the neck. What about the bridge?

I think originally the Air Norton was designed for bridge position, so it would probably work. Not sure about the sound though, but I expect it would be warm, smooth and jazzy, bluesy. But that's my guess.

Originally Posted by ProgWokI think originally the Air Norton was designed for bridge position, so it would probably work. Not sure about the sound though, but I expect it would be warm, smooth and jazzy, bluesy. But that's my guess.

I've tried it in my mahogany neck/body guitar, and didn't like it as a bridge pickup. It could be cool, in the right guitar, for the right person. I'd describe it as modern, full low- and high-end, rich rich midrange... Since it's an airbucker, it also was pretty clear and airy sounding, if that means anything...

Made me think of Satch, but a little toned down and smoothed over. I would not descibe it as warm, smooth, jazzy, or bluesy! I think it's a very modern rock pickup, with an Airbucker clarity.

As has been stated in many threads, past and present, it's absolutely yummy in the neck position. But again, it must be matched with the right guitar.


man dimarzio REALLY REALLY needs a forum!
I personally dont go for that processed tone the DIM pups have
they are too quot;specialtyquot; for me
what i mean is that a pup from them is too one dimensional whereas the duncan stuff is way more versitle
try a BBQ if you want a air norton type tone
the BBQ is closer to a duncan and not processed sounding and super modern toned like the air norton

It's a bit too bright for bridge. Slightly nassaly and raspy. I haven't tried it in the neck yet.


I got a Air Norton in the bridge of my semi-hollow Gibson Howard Roberts. It sounds great for the jazz fusion I play. But: itamp;#180;s VERY bright. Perfect when I use both pickups for a ES 335 sound, but over the top when using only the bridge. Fortunately; we have tone knobs. With the tone pulled down to 6-7 and a lot of gain on the overdrive; beautiful sound, clean distorsion, growl with a hollow touch. Never heard anything like it before.

Woof! Last night we had a gig with our fusion group. The sound in my Howard Roberts was incredible. When I used the Air Norton in the bridge only, with the tone knob on 5 and the Boss OD 3 on almost full; smooth and clean distorsion, expressive and complex, beautiful and jazzy.

i tried it in the bridge spot of my ibanez rg565.didnt care for it way to descibe it was like taking a fred pickup and jacking up the bass on it.overall,it had some really weird frequencies that didnt seem to fit well together...the breed,bridge or neck models,are much better for bridge use,imo!!!

I just took one out of my carved top VW and replaced it with a Pearly Gates. It reminded me of a flatter (in a non-3 dimentional way) APII or CC. It wasOK just not a great pup for me.

I used the Air Norton Bridge with a Virtual PAF neck. Great pickup but I would NOT recommend it for a rocker. It lacked hard hitting balls, it was ultra smooth, kinda pretty like a neck pickup. I would go a touch more power like an Air Zone (which was really cool), I have also heard great things about the Breed.

Believe you´re right about that. What I get is NOT a rock sound: it´s a smooth and quite cool modern jazz-fusion sound, with some interesting bite (on full overdrive and a chorus). I´ve discovered that I always like pickups others dislike. Guess it is because I actually play jazz-fusion, so my sound preferences are different.

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