
Ok I am looking at this Amp. I currently own a '68 Super Reverb, a '68 Deluxe Reverb, and a Marshall 900. I typically A/B the Marshall with either of the Fenders.

I have only had the Deluxe since May and it has been a great Amp but the lack of headroom is causing me some concern. Don't get me wrong I love the Amp, but it is challanging to keep it clean.

I am considering the Vibroverb Custom and I really value a lot of the opinions I get here so give me your thoughts on this Amp. This Amp has some Mods right from the factory that were originally designed by Ceasr Diaz. I am pretty much playing Blues and classic Rock. Thanks DS

Awesome amp! It'd be my first choice, out of all the Blackfaces out there.
I love the low end thump a Tele or Strat's E string can get out of that 15quot; speaker. From what I can see, it's the only modern Blackface amp that vintage purists are raving about.

The funny thing is that I've never liked the sound of any Diaz boutique amp I've plugged into, but I love what he did to SRV's amps, and this new Fender.

Originally Posted by GearjoneserAwesome amp! It'd be my first choice, out of all the Blackfaces out there.I love the low end thump a Tele or Strat's E string can get out of that 15quot; speaker. From what I can see, it's the only modern Blackface amp that vintage purists are raving about.

I have heard the same thing. If you can afford it, go for it.

Maybe you should get two of them?

I had one for a few weeks. Mine rattled pretty badly. I wasn't patient enough to spend a *lot* of time chasing it down. After I tightened everything up and it still rattled, I sent it back and bought a Rivera.

I was quite impressed with the tone. No two ways around it. Just an excellent amp in many ways.

I didn't care for the diaz mod too much.

I did like the ability to switch rectifiers. There was a pretty loud pop that was associated with switching rectifiers. I normally put mine into standby before I did it as I value what's left of my hearing.

Hard to go wrong, especially if you can find a great deal on a used one.

Originally Posted by Scott_FI had one for a few weeks. Mine rattled pretty badly. I wasn't patient enough to spend a *lot* of time chasing it down. After I tightened everything up and it still rattled, I sent it back and bought a Rivera.

I was quite impressed with the tone. No two ways around it. Just an excellent amp in many ways.

I didn't care for the diaz mod too much.

I did like the ability to switch rectifiers. There was a pretty loud pop that was associated with switching rectifiers. I normally put mine into standby before I did it as I value what's left of my hearing.

Hard to go wrong, especially if you can find a great deal on a used one.

Scott... What can you tell me about the Diaz mods. What are they supossed to do??

one lets you switch between a solid state rectifier and a tube one. the SS gets you a few more watts, the tube gets you some nice sag. I totally preferred the tube if I had to choose only one.

There was some sort of lead boost thing that didnt' do it for me, but, keep in mind, i'm not a big lead player.

The reverb was as good as I've heard in any amp ever.

if you want clean amp; only clean, blackface style, why not look at some of the twin RI's?

for a light OD the vibroverb is good, i prefer the bassman but i don't really ever do light OD

Yea, I like the bassman better than the vibroverb... Jake has my old one..

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