Okay, I have a duncan invader in a strat copy. I was just playing it and noticed how the guitar makes noise(internally) when I pluck the strings. It took two different guys to wire my setup correctly, but I want to make sure they did it correctly.
I want the schematics for a HSS strat. It's like this:
Bridge: Invader
Middle: Single Coil
Neck: Single Coil
I believe it has 2 tone knobs and 1 volume knob. I am a complete beginner to this, so please explain the whole quot;Red to ground and green to X, etcquot; throughly. My guitar has a swimming pool body and I'm thinking about either of the following ideas:
1. Take off the middle and neck coils, and just leave the Humbucker.
2. Leave it as it is so I can use it as a Punk rock, Ska guitar.
3. Add a humbucker at the end.
So I need the schematics (I could not find them on the site) and I would really appreciate if you guys tell me what the whole quot;ground, parallel,etcquot; terms mean.
Lastly, how can I identify my tone/volume pots? I hear that the invader is great with a 500k pot, but which one?
from : localhost//website...l_1tone_5w.htm
Isn't this just for 1 tone knob or for 1 tone pot?
Originally Posted by A SkaterIsn't this just for 1 tone knob or for 1 tone pot?
It is for one vol/one tone but you can still go by it
IF you want to just use the invader by itself follow this scheme
from : localhost//website...vol_1tone.html
Originally Posted by A SkaterLastly, how can I identify my tone/volume pots? I hear that the invader is great with a 500k pot, but which one?
You'll have to trace the wiring to figure out which one is the volume pot. It quot;shouldquot; be the one closest to the pups, but it could be wired differently.
The best pot is probably a CTS audio taper. The brand isn't an absolute necessity, but you definitely need audio taper. Otherwise, you won't get much of a change over the full range of the pot.
- Apr 08 Wed 2009 20:51
Giving this one more shot: Invader