
Hey folks...

I'm in the market for a new OD pedal for a goose. I've got an old non-working TS-9 reissue (bad switch I guess), and a 80's BOSS SOD.

But I'm looking for something new and different...not to really color the sound...just as a boost.....this way I can get 4 quot;gainquot; sounds out of my Chubster....a moderate early Thin Lizzy-ish, crunch, and then the amps lead boost kicked in for a higher gain 80s metal rhythm sound...the boost will then be used for leads on either quot;rhythmquot; setting.

I know a girl who's boyfriend is the designer for Death By Audio Pedals..and she has invited me down this summer to check them out in the city...but I'm looking into anything and everything...Fulltones, Carl Martin (the plexi one sounds like it's up my alley)....I'm not fam with too many names...

What's hot..whats not? I'm clueless as I haven't bought a pedal in oh....13 years or so?

Maybe a Fulltone Fat Boost? If you're looking for a boost and not a tonal change, I wouldn't look at ODs as much as I'd be eyeing clean boost pedals.

Thanx for the reply AJ. I'll check the one you mentioned out

I used to TS/SOD for years..level up..gain nearly off..and yeah it does change the tone a bit...but not too much.

Anyone else? gotta be a ton of pedal owners here

Jeff....I'm kind of in the same boat, I like the tone of my amp, I just want something to augment it for the most part. Sometimes I think a pedal that I could use on the clean channel with 2 OD stages would be nice, but generally just a boost. Here's what I am considering.

Fulltone Fat Boost
Fulltone OCD
Banzai Cold Fusion
Carl Martin Plexitone
Banzai Fireball

The Fat Boost and the Cold Fusion are really pure boosts. The OCD is very transparent...seems to boost the gain of your own amp with no real tone of it's own. I like it a lot. The Fireball also appears to be very transparent with no mid hump like a TS9 or others. According to Rid, the Plexitone is unique and seems to really like Marshalls. It is the one from the list above that really has some color, yet follows the tone of your amp.

The Plexitone and Fireball are first on my list, followed by the OCD. I am looking for something that will add either a little gain, a lot of gain or just a clean boost. I guess I feel that for $200 I want as many options as possible.

The OCD is a really marvellous OD pedal .... until you play the HomeBrew Electronics Big D. I really love Fulltone and the sound they have, and I was just about to purchase an OCD when I (fortunately for me) played the Big D. It's more transparent, more versatile, and has more gain/boost options than any OD pedal out there.

If you're looking for a pure volume boost, I would recommend either the z.Vex Super Duper dual boost or the Homebrew Dos Mos. Once again the HBE is more versatile, but sonically they are both dead-on transparent. Sorry, but the Fulltone is not. That being said, Fulltone products are very euphonic sounding -- TRY BEFORE YOU BUY! I sold my Fat Boost when I heard the Super Duper that Brow bought. What I like about the dual v/c's is that you can cascade the 1st volume into the second for an OD that is purely volume related. It's like breaking up your amp because you're hitting it with an obsenely high output pickup (think Invader, Warpig, etc).
However, you're not gonna get that singing lead tone or sustain, nor the harmonic overtones, as using an OD pedal.

Hope this helps.

Originally Posted by TwilightOdysseyHowever, you're not gonna get that singing lead tone or sustain, nor the harmonic overtones, as using an OD pedal.

Hope this helps.

So what IS going to give me volumes I can live with? I'm off to check out the Homebrew stuff. The only thing I really have at this point against't Homebrew is that what I've seen is kinda ugly.

what does goose mean ?

Originally Posted by TwilightOdysseyHowever, you're not gonna get that singing lead tone or sustain, nor the harmonic overtones, as using an OD pedal.Hmm... I get great results regarding all of the above from my Hermida Zendrive and Mosferatu. The Mos is higher gain, more compressed, and more aggressive, while the Zen is lower gain, smooth, and fat. Both pedals sound very amp-like.

You might consider looking at them, if you're looking at stuff like the OCD, etc.

Sorry if I wasn't clear enough, but I think I'm being misunderstood, or at least taken out of context.

My post was comparing the options for goosing the volume; you can use a boost pedal or an overdrive to drive the input of the amp harder. A boost pedal will not give you the same amount of sustain of harmonic overones as an overdrive.

Hope that clears up any misunderstanding.

check out the keeley modded boss bd-2.

from : localhost/

Originally Posted by TwilightOdysseySorry if I wasn't clear enough, but I think I'm being misunderstood, or at least taken out of context.

My post was comparing the options for goosing the volume; you can use a boost pedal or an overdrive to drive the input of the amp harder. A boost pedal will not give you the same amount of sustain of harmonic overones as an overdrive.

Hope that clears up any misunderstanding.

Gotcha, my mistake. Thanks for clearing it up .

I'm sorry...this is OFF-TOPIC...but what did happen to your F-30?

Hey everyone...thanks for the input...keep it coming...I'm off to whip some ass at billiards..will comment when I have a bit more timeGuitarist: I sold the F-50..way too loud......not quite versatile enough for me in the end....unless I wanted to get it modded..went with a Rivera....sounds much better at low volumes for the condo...gets ALL the tones I need in general...if I could have the F50' clean channel with the Rivera's gain channel, I'd be in tone heaven! but The Riveras clean channel is might impressive too.

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