New carvin arrived today. Sounds, feels, plays way better than the last one. Finish is perfect. I just have this one cosmetic issue. I don't think it's too bad, just not what I was expected. Is this ugly as hell to you guys?
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i actually like it. most of the ebony that you see has been died black to cover the lighter color variations
Originally Posted by jeremyi actually like it. most of the ebony that you see has been died black to cover the lighter color variations
I think it may grow on me. On an entirely white guitar jet black would have been my preference, on a more natural finished guitar I think the grain on this ebony would be really pretty. Just not what I was expecting is all. The first one I got was jet black with a streak of brown, pretty cool.
you could always dye it yourself
I think it's kind of ugly myself. Part of the reason why people buy ebony is because it's supposed to be black, smooth, and punchy sounding.Ebony is not always black but just like not all wood is quality wood they should choose it so that it is or at least ask you. Trying to pass off lighter pieces as equal quality should not be allowed IMO.
IMO, it should be dyed black
and also, i think it needs a bit of 0000 steel wool to it, to smoothen it out a little
the fingerboard on my SG looks better! and after i stripped off all the gunk on it, it feels like it's oiled.. a damn shame that everything else sucks LOL
i think of ebony as the dyed black look so its pretty ugly. this is because the undyed is not what society has brainwashed me to beleive good ebony should look like.
I personally like jet black ebony....otherwise it looks more like Rosewood. You can get a whole can of jet black ebony dye from Stewmac for like $3 or something. If you like it, cool. I would dye it.
the dye will really get it jet black? And it's permanent?
also, will it stain the abalone inlays?
'nother vote for ugly, I'm afraid.
Originally Posted by XeromusIs this ugly as hell to you guys?
No, I really like it. Plain black's boring.
Don't listen to these ebony snobs, leave it the way it is. It looks more like real wood this way. I like a nice black piece of ebony myself, but this piece of wood looks pretty nice I think. Just because it looks different from what you're used to doesn't mean it's ugly.
That's actually very nice. I like it. Every other ebony board out there is dyed. That is how ebony looks naturally. Dare to be different and leave it alone.
I think it's pretty styley.
Then again, I think rosewood fingerboards should be dark chocolate brown, and find light streaks appalling.
It's actually interesting looking like Jeremy said. If you don't want to dye it, put some Dr. Duck's Axe Wax on it, let it sit for 5 or 10-minutes, then wipe it off. It will darken it some and bring out the highlights also.
It looks cool, not good or bad, just cool. Besides, I've always been told wbony gets darker with time and the oils in your fingers, not much but it may become something you like, but by then you'll have gotten used to it.
Originally Posted by ratherdashingDon't listen to these ebony snobs, leave it the way it is. It looks more like real wood this way. I like a nice black piece of ebony myself, but this piece of wood looks pretty nice I think. Just because it looks different from what you're used to doesn't mean it's ugly.
I don't like it, so that means you shouldn't either.
Yer, a bit ugly, glad the rest of the guitar is sound tho, i would consider dying if it didnt grow on me in the next few weeks.
Originally Posted by Xeromusthe dye will really get it jet black? And it's permanent?
also, will it stain the abalone inlays?
I think someone dyed the rosewood on my SG-X with black. It is permenent, and it will dye the fret markers as well- that was what tipped me off. I would just tape them off or something. I rubbed it down with some steel wool and it pretty much all came off of the fret markers, so I'm not too concerned. There was kind of a light haze, the pearloid sparkles now. As for jet black- I can't say. You can see the rosewood grain through the dye on my board, but the grain is lighter than your ebony anyway. I'm sure you could stain it more than once to get the desired effect.
- Apr 08 Wed 2009 20:51
Am I overly picky or is this a really ugly piece of ebony?