i have 4-5 cloumns and quite a large no. of rows.i want whole print on a
single sheet in column wisee..like i have 4 columns and 1256 rows..so i want
to know the print command so that i can get whole print on a single
page..from where the first page finished then on the very same page then next
rows start from the right hand sides columns..i know we can do that by coping
the next cells on the right hand side but its quite a large no. of sheets so
its not cofartbale..plz suggest the appropriate command
Perhaps File, Page Setup, Page, Fit to 1 page wide, 999 pages tall is
what you are looking for.
autofill Wrote:
gt; i have 4-5 cloumns and quite a large no. of rows.i want whole print on
gt; a
gt; single sheet in column wisee..like i have 4 columns and 1256 rows..so i
gt; want
gt; to know the print command so that i can get whole print on a single
gt; page..from where the first page finished then on the very same page
gt; then next
gt; rows start from the right hand sides columns..i know we can do that by
gt; coping
gt; the next cells on the right hand side but its quite a large no. of
gt; sheets so
gt; its not cofartbale..plz suggest the appropriate command--
Bryan Hessey
Bryan Hessey's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=21059
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=529914
- Jul 20 Thu 2006 20:08
print on a sinlge page