my buddy plays bass and wants this head, anyone have any input about this thing?

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i know the dimebucker is the pickup dimebag darrell used. but is the jb or the dd closest to dimebag darrell sound?

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Well, I decided to record some clips of my Fender/USACG strat with the new Guitarport. I just did some noodling around, hitting each spot on the 5-way switch moving from neck to bridge. Volume and tone knobs were both full on, and the blend knob was out of the circuit.

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I have a Tom Delonge Strat that I want to put a push pull on it to give me options on sound. I have never installed a pick up with a push pull pot before. What kind of pot should I use (250k, 300k etc. ) and are there directions anywhere for hooking up a single humbucker guitar (Invader) to one of these pots? I'm sure its simple but I'm a beginner at this stuff. Thanks

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Any idea on approximate costs of replacing a truss rod in an SG?

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Marin's post reminded me that I had made a clip using this same backing a while back. It's a great backing, to be sure. Here's my humble take on the song.
Epi Dot loaded with a set of Seth Lovers through a Carlson Turbo Pup combo amp.

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ok, i bought a dimarzio Air Norton for my neck strat, it already has a dimarzio evolution at the bridge, i really dont know abuot installing pickups, so a tech is gonna do it, i read that 500 k pots, are for maximum puch, but i dont even know what 500 k pots mean???? so, any other things i must know, like at what height should the pickup being installed, closer to the strings , etc, and how will it affect the sound. Im into, hard rock, 70s, jazz, fusion, funk, pop, all music really, so any advice, it would be great!!!

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A lot of members here have lots of experience with boutique pedals. Whilst its discussed a fair bit, usually its only just about a specific effect (delay, overdrive, etc.)... here we need the best of the best, of all kinds of effects.

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i have a chambered les paul. I play classic rock, phish ect. I am planning on putting either a pg neck with either a custom, a 59, or jazz bridge. Which bridge is best in your opinion? also should i use 250k or 500k pots with these

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Hi guys,

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