I have always loved the tone of a good strat but I personally never quite liked the looks as much as I like the clean lines and neck joint of my schecter. So my idea for my upcoming guitar build is to make a modern looking pickguardless body similar to the Schecter C-1 with a dark (green or blue) paintjob and an ebony fretboard and 3 single coil duncan strat pups and a floyd. is there any way I could make a guitar like that sound kind of like a vintage strat? I would appreciate pickup tips, wood opinions or basically any other help. If this idea is totally stupid please tell me so, I can take criticism and I am very uncertain about this. Also is there any way to buy necks that are non bolt on so I could do a set neck setup? I am willing to sacrifice the floyd if neccesary for the tone. Also how much would a project like this cost? I am pretty new to building but I have a couple of luthier friends in town to help with the really complicated stuff

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Well, a few months ago, I had 14 guitars, now I'm down to 7. I used the proceeds to fund some new stuff. Just picked up a 2004 Gibson Les Paul Standard Light Burst yesterday. Sweet axe! I lucked out because the flame is excellent on this one. I actually thought it was a Premium! I'm also pleasantly surprised how good the Burstbucker Pros sound. This will be my road guitar because when the 1958 Les Paul Reissue arrives (can't wait, that one stays home!

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hi everyone,

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Just bored tonight so I thought I would toss up a clip. Useing my El84 loaded Bassmate and my Gibson cab loaded with a ( 2) Swamp Thang speakers. ( currently my favorite) I had a PZM mic several feet back so there is some room vibe to the clip. Just a quickie....

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Seeing as I threw the Weber boxes out several months ago...

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im thinking about building a seth lover strat, or a seth lover tele. How would i expect this to sound? Anybody done a tele-gib or a quot;lesstratquot;?

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Hey everyone, I have a alot of pedals and I was looking into geting a noise gate or using compression. The thing about that is I dont know enough to know If its one worth the money and two what it will do.I was wondering if anyone can tell me what they know about noise suppressors and compresion and tell me if its worth it, also make any sugesstions on which are good ones. BTW: I like Santana, Van halen and hrndix to give you an dea of what I like.

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has the bass and midrange of a DD, but has a little less highs. Any suggestions???

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In the same amp, what would be the differences between a ceramic magnet 100 watt 12 inch EV, and a Celestion Vintage 30?

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I just scored a pretty nice, unused Warmoth scalloped neck off of ebay. It's maple with a maple fretboard so I know it needs to be finished. The guy I bought it from doesn't seem to know if it's finished; but when I got it this afternoon I realized it feels and looks sort of like it has a satin finish on there. I don't know how to tell if it's finished or not - my only experience with maple necks is with my sticky, glossy Fender neck.

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