I heard that this will kind of give a single coil type tone from a bucker?
What i mean is that if you take a jazz neck pup and turn it so the screw side coil is closest to the bridge and remove the screws that coil would be a quot;dead coilquot; right?

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I just found a video of a show that my band played at Cane's a few months ago. Let me know what you think.

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I did some cool stuff today inside of my old BF Fender Pro Reverb amp..I've been playing through it all day,and so tonight I decided to see how well the BF 2x12 Valvetronix sound compared to my Fender amp...

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hey guys, just givin a review of the Tokai Loverock Goldtop that i just got, i love it

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I have 2 push pull pots in my guitar. Previously I had them for individual coil splits, but I changed the bridge bucker a while back for one that was 2 conductor, so the bridge coil split (on the tone pot) now does nothing.

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65 shipped, PayPal. PM ME!

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just started learning the song a few days ago, and i have a rough knowledge of the song up untill about 2 minutes in. well anyway i recorded using my Fender strat into My Avt150. i just want critisism, advice, comments on playing and the tone. the playing isnt too great but i plan to repost the song in full in about a month or 2 when ive had time to practice it a little.

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Has anyone tried this pedal?

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whats up guys, I am a new member with a question that I have not been able to find an answer for so here goes. I have a PRS Custom 22 with the 5 way rotary switch and I just installed a SH-14 in the bridge and an SH-2 in the neck. I flipped the magnet and wired it according to the info on the website. My question is, is all the info on the website for one and one PRS pickup or two Duncans? If you have any info on how to wire the two duncans I have in the guitar right now it would be a BIG help. Thanks

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in the 70's gear thread I posted a few days ago Evan mentioned brass bridges and nuts...does anybody have an opinion on either of these? Before the answers start, please don't tell me that Yngwie uses a brass nut, and he rules or sucks (depending on what you think) so having a brass nut will rule or suck (depending on your opinion of Yngwie. I am looking for opinions from people that did or do use brass nuts, bridges, etc...and before somebody mentiones it I have alaready thought about the brass saddles on Telecacsters...I hate anything else on a Telecaster, but to me that's part of the tone, I am talking about something that on a normal basis does not come with brass, and what type of changes it would make.

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