目前分類:title (3013)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

I need to have the same 4 rows on the top of every page when it prints. I
know that there is a way to do it, i just have forgotten, Could someone

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lt;a href=quot;img232.imageshack.us/my.php?image=userform6mz.jpgquot;

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I have a need to be able to create a funtion/expression that can issue a
'hard carriage return amp; line feed'. On the keyboard this would be 'Alt'

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Hi all,

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I can't get Excel to rank more than 7 items (I have 8). Is there a limit to
how many it can do? When the result is a rank of 8, it puts quot;falsequot; in the

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The SOX rocket team passed us a spreadsheet that has columns that need

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This formula below works as shown
=IF(D10=0.5,(VLOOKUP(I10,Table_A,2,0))). the result is shown in 'J10'

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I am trying to enter locker combinations in an excel spreadsheet. However,
excel keeps converting these automatically to calendar dates. How do I turn

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Hello, I am fairly new to advanced excel functions. I have a question that
may require multiple steps. I will describe my issue as simply as I can.

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I am trying to come up with a template for expenses. We have 3 sources of
shared expenses with 6 people. 1 person pays for 2 people , Another pays

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I have set up a time sheet and want the minimum time taken at lunch to show
no less than 30 minutes. At present there are start and finish times for

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Have a spreadsheet with 12 tabs.
Each tab has 12 line charts based on a specific group.

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I will be given a list of numbers (starting in A1) together with the number
of numbers in the list given in B1. I would like to be able to write

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how can i print non-adjacent ranges on one page?

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Hi All,

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I want to calculate x^d where d is eiter a positive or negative number. I
thought that this could be accomplished with logarithms to the base 10. So if

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I have a problem to sum to columns. Please help....
Problem is that the first cloumn is containing the quantity of crates of

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I'm trying to sum values that I have returned when using an if statement.
How do I do this? My if statement reads =if(b3=quot;yquot;,$7.00,$0.00).

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