目前分類:title (3013)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

I want to be able to protect large chunks of my workbook, so that the cells
can't be written over. However I do need to be able to allow some external

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I have scanned my computer and dealt with any viruses using MSN software and
, but when I attempt to open a seved spreadsheet or Word document my computer

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Let’s say I have 3 columns.
I want to deduct from cell C1 when # is put in cell A1 and zero out A1 after

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I deleted a spread sheet by mistake that I would like to recover.

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I have a database on sheet quot;Dquot; with 1000 rows of data 79 columns wide.

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When the user enters a number in cell A1, I want cell B1 to divide that
number by 8. If A1 is blank then B1 should be blank.

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I have two spreadsheets. On both, all of the sudden the data in the
spreadsheet cannot be seen. If I click on a cell box, the data is at the top.

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I imported an Access table into Excel. One column in the table is ss#. It was
not formatted in Access; just 9 numbers. In Excel, I need the hyphens. I

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How can you call an add-in from VBA? I've tried 'Application.Run' and the
name (with the .xla extention), but it says it can't find it. It is listed

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I have a workbook (actually a few!) that contain links to other workbooks
that I know it shouldn't. I've tried using 'find' to locate the cells which

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Looking for something special that can make my work easier.
I have an excel file with some Piping MTO typed in it. Now unfortunately

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how do I set up XML on Data menue ?

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can't open my attachment it is an excel file type,excel spreadsheet file
,file extension is.xls, discription is a spreadsheet

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How all i have two problems im hoping you can help me solve

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Sorry if this is a crosspost. (Excel 2003)

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I have an array of data with column headings and changeable row quot;item namesquot;
in the left most column. The intersecting matrix of data contains quantity

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In my Statistics textbook it shows how to create different analysis. For
this particular on e it says to download the MegaStat add-in for boxplot,

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Every time I start Excel 2003, it begins to run the setup/installer program

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I have been hooked up with a very nice VLookup tool for my companies

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try this
:assume your employee no and amount in sheet1,In sheet 2 employee no.is in

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