try this
:assume your employee no and amount in sheet1,In sheet 2 employee in
a1, where you want formula result
quot;vishuquot; wrote:
gt; I have problem with vlookup formula. Vlook formula is picking up only one
gt; amount. I will explain my problem with one example
gt; I have one column with employee number (is repeating) and in another column
gt; i have their salary breakups.
gt; Employee no. amount
gt; 101200
gt; 102300
gt; 103300
gt; 104200
gt; 105100
gt; 101100
gt; 10150
gt; I have employee numbers in one sheet, if i put vlookup formula for employee
gt; numbers i should get amount.
gt; The problem is in Employee number 101. This is repeating thrice. In this
gt; case its picking first amount. But i need sum of all amount it shoud give me
gt; the amount 350 instead of 200
gt; Please help me
I got your formula.
Can you please tell me what is thr use of Vlookup formula, If we can use
sumif everywhere. But i want to try to do it in Vlookup comand.
Is it possible.???
quot;TUNGANA KURMA RAJUquot; wrote:
gt; try this
gt; :assume your employee no and amount in sheet1,In sheet 2 employee in
gt; a1, where you want formula result
gt; sumif(sheet1!a2:b7,a1,sheet1!b2:b7)
gt; quot;vishuquot; wrote:
gt; gt; I have problem with vlookup formula. Vlook formula is picking up only one
gt; gt; amount. I will explain my problem with one example
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I have one column with employee number (is repeating) and in another column
gt; gt; i have their salary breakups.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Employee no. amount
gt; gt;
gt; gt; 101200
gt; gt; 102300
gt; gt; 103300
gt; gt; 104200
gt; gt; 105100
gt; gt; 101100
gt; gt; 10150
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I have employee numbers in one sheet, if i put vlookup formula for employee
gt; gt; numbers i should get amount.
gt; gt; The problem is in Employee number 101. This is repeating thrice. In this
gt; gt; case its picking first amount. But i need sum of all amount it shoud give me
gt; gt; the amount 350 instead of 200
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Please help me
- Sep 29 Fri 2006 20:09