I have a workbook (actually a few!) that contain links to other workbooks
that I know it shouldn't. I've tried using 'find' to locate the cells which
contain these filenames in but it comes back 'text not found'. I can't find
any hidden cells either.
These workbooks do contain other links that should be there, I suspect that
these links have found their way into the workbook by being copied and pasted
from another workbook.
Does anyone have any ideas on how I can find these stray links?
try this keyboard thing.
ctrl ~
This will take you to formula edit mode and show all forumlas (and Links) as
they appear in the formula bar. It will show all data too but the links and
formulas will have an equal sign in front of it.
Press ctrl ~ again to get out of edit mode.
quot;Pat van Aalstquot; wrote:
gt; I have a workbook (actually a few!) that contain links to other workbooks
gt; that I know it shouldn't. I've tried using 'find' to locate the cells which
gt; contain these filenames in but it comes back 'text not found'. I can't find
gt; any hidden cells either.
gt; These workbooks do contain other links that should be there, I suspect that
gt; these links have found their way into the workbook by being copied and pasted
gt; from another workbook.
gt; Does anyone have any ideas on how I can find these stray links?
gt; Thanks
gt; Pat
Orphaned Links -- HELP!
When I can't find links, I'll use Bill Manville's FindLink program:
Search the forum, chances are the question has been asked before,--
davesexcel's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=31708
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=518640
Check out the FindLink Add-in by Bill Manville....
Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3
quot;Pat van Aalstquot; wrote:
gt; I have a workbook (actually a few!) that contain links to other workbooks
gt; that I know it shouldn't. I've tried using 'find' to locate the cells which
gt; contain these filenames in but it comes back 'text not found'. I can't find
gt; any hidden cells either.
gt; These workbooks do contain other links that should be there, I suspect that
gt; these links have found their way into the workbook by being copied and pasted
gt; from another workbook.
gt; Does anyone have any ideas on how I can find these stray links?
gt; Thanks
gt; Pat
- Sep 29 Fri 2006 20:09
Find which cell is linked to another workbook