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瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要


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I have workbook in Excel 2000 with 30 worksheets. One for each

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We use an excelfile on a server with several people at the same time.
Each one of us has to update and save the file frequently. The file stays

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I currently have two buttons. One that will show the hidden rows, the other
that will hide them again. However, i would rather change the two buttons to

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I have a worksheet that is a list of questions which users answer via
checkboxes. In order to preserve the integrity of the questions, those cells

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Somehow I changed the column headers to R1C1....R1Cxxx. I do not know how
to change them back. I like the U.S standradof a,b,c.....Tools|Options|General tab

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I have a list of names in column.

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software 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Jan 12 Mon 2009 20:48
  • Help

Problem: I have multiple tabs in one spreadsheet that get updated by many
different people.

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I have a word document which is embedded in an worksheet. The embedded
document has links to cells in the worksheet. When I copy the worksheet and

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Hi everyone
I need help please ASAP I have a deadline.

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okay need help

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I am using a simple addition formula, but its precedents have if and lookup
formulas. the precedents change values correctly but the simple addition

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Need help

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Hi ,

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It sounds like you're just using excel to store a bunch of data that fits nicely
in columns.

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I know how to set the error bars on a standard line graph. Unfortunately when
I set it the error bars appear the same at every plot. On the data I have the

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Hey All-

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I want to graph the cosine function in the same set of axes as another line
chart I created by giving points. However, I do not wnat to have to input a

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I've built a macro to perform some general formatting. The only catch is
that this spreadsheet is an export from a web based application. The headers

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