
I am trying to create a spreadsheet with two worksheets, the first is a list
where the user checks off a series of check boxes in a list, the second
worksheet is intended to be formula driven using the check boxes to calculate
the value of each item in the list. Hence I want to use the IF command in the
second worksheet to say if check box is clicked then the value equals x.

I am having problems linking the visual basic check box to the excel sheet.

Any suggestions?

You need to link the checkbox to a cell, and test that cell value.

Linking a forms checkbox is done by simply right-clicking it, select
Propertiesgt;Control an define the cell.



Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

quot;dingo33quot; gt; wrote in message
gt; I am trying to create a spreadsheet with two worksheets, the first is a
gt; where the user checks off a series of check boxes in a list, the second
gt; worksheet is intended to be formula driven using the check boxes to
gt; the value of each item in the list. Hence I want to use the IF command in
gt; second worksheet to say if check box is clicked then the value equals x.
gt; I am having problems linking the visual basic check box to the excel
gt; Any suggestions?
Thanks Bob, Took some tinkering but wokred it out,

Thanks again

quot;dingo33quot; wrote:

gt; I am trying to create a spreadsheet with two worksheets, the first is a list
gt; where the user checks off a series of check boxes in a list, the second
gt; worksheet is intended to be formula driven using the check boxes to calculate
gt; the value of each item in the list. Hence I want to use the IF command in the
gt; second worksheet to say if check box is clicked then the value equals x.
gt; I am having problems linking the visual basic check box to the excel sheet.
gt; Any suggestions?

That's the best way, you will have learnt more from that than by me just
spelling it out.



Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

quot;dingo33quot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Thanks Bob, Took some tinkering but wokred it out,
gt; Thanks again
gt; quot;dingo33quot; wrote:
gt; gt; I am trying to create a spreadsheet with two worksheets, the first is a
gt; gt; where the user checks off a series of check boxes in a list, the second
gt; gt; worksheet is intended to be formula driven using the check boxes to
gt; gt; the value of each item in the list. Hence I want to use the IF command
in the
gt; gt; second worksheet to say if check box is clicked then the value equals x.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I am having problems linking the visual basic check box to the excel
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Any suggestions?

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