
I have read through alot of problems here in the forum but none have answered

I am wanting to compare 2 columns for exact matching (ex. quot;Green32quot;). And
if there are two matching items I want to be able to say quot;A matchquot; in a
chosen cell for all the ones that match.

45time 89time
A match 11tune 11tune
47doog 43jkjkj
A match 123ABC 123ABC

please help!!

Thank you in advance!

Based on your example data you bcould achieve this with the following:-

In cell A1, =IF(B1=C1,quot;A Matchquot;,quot;quot;)

If copied down the column, this will indicate all those cells which match

quot;IFIXPCSquot; wrote:

gt; I have read through alot of problems here in the forum but none have answered
gt; mine.
gt; I am wanting to compare 2 columns for exact matching (ex. quot;Green32quot;). And
gt; if there are two matching items I want to be able to say quot;A matchquot; in a
gt; chosen cell for all the ones that match.
gt; Example:
gt; A B C
gt; 45time 89time
gt; A match 11tune 11tune
gt; 47doog 43jkjkj
gt; A match 123ABC 123ABC
gt; please help!!
gt; Thank you in advance!

=IF(B1=C1,quot;A matchquot;,quot;quot;)quot;IFIXPCSquot; gt; wrote in message
gt;I have read through alot of problems here in the forum but none have
gt; mine.
gt; I am wanting to compare 2 columns for exact matching (ex. quot;Green32quot;). And
gt; if there are two matching items I want to be able to say quot;A matchquot; in a
gt; chosen cell for all the ones that match.
gt; Example:
gt; A B C
gt; 45time 89time
gt; A match 11tune 11tune
gt; 47doog 43jkjkj
gt; A match 123ABC 123ABC
gt; please help!!
gt; Thank you in advance!
Thank you for your reply. I don't know if this will help.. for example
column C can be in any order... so how would I write the formula for that?????

quot;bigwheelquot; wrote:

gt; Based on your example data you bcould achieve this with the following:-
gt; In cell A1, =IF(B1=C1,quot;A Matchquot;,quot;quot;)
gt; If copied down the column, this will indicate all those cells which match
gt; quot;IFIXPCSquot; wrote:
gt; gt; I have read through alot of problems here in the forum but none have answered
gt; gt; mine.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I am wanting to compare 2 columns for exact matching (ex. quot;Green32quot;). And
gt; gt; if there are two matching items I want to be able to say quot;A matchquot; in a
gt; gt; chosen cell for all the ones that match.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Example:
gt; gt; A B C
gt; gt; 45time 89time
gt; gt; A match 11tune 11tune
gt; gt; 47doog 43jkjkj
gt; gt; A match 123ABC 123ABC
gt; gt;
gt; gt; please help!!
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Thank you in advance!

Thank you for your reply. I don't know if this will help.. for example
column C can be in any order... so how would I write the formula for that?????quot;Steve Yandlquot; wrote:

gt; =IF(B1=C1,quot;A matchquot;,quot;quot;)
gt; quot;IFIXPCSquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt; gt;I have read through alot of problems here in the forum but none have
gt; gt;answered
gt; gt; mine.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I am wanting to compare 2 columns for exact matching (ex. quot;Green32quot;). And
gt; gt; if there are two matching items I want to be able to say quot;A matchquot; in a
gt; gt; chosen cell for all the ones that match.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Example:
gt; gt; A B C
gt; gt; 45time 89time
gt; gt; A match 11tune 11tune
gt; gt; 47doog 43jkjkj
gt; gt; A match 123ABC 123ABC
gt; gt;
gt; gt; please help!!
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Thank you in advance!

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