I have a master workbook that I use to compile entries from about 25
different individual's workbooks. I have a page for each person set up
and was just using a formula
quot;=[workbook_name]sheet_name!cell_referencequot;(i.e. ='[Auditor Savings Jan
06.xls]Audits'!$A$29). As the month goes on, each individual creates
entries and those lines are fine. My problem is that a line that does
not yet have data entered is showing up on my master as either quot;0quot; or
1/0/00. Is there a way to have the master page just show as blank when
the data page doesn't have anything entered yet? I tried using
conditional formatting (if cell is equal to 0), but that didn't do
anything. Any suggestions?--
kimmer4861's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=30755
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=504221Take the following and expand it to suit your data. Say that you want to
reference A1 in your formula, say quot;=A1*5quot;.
You want that cell to show blank if A1 is blank. Do something like the
HTH Otto
quot;kimmer4861quot; gt; wrote
in message ...
gt; I have a master workbook that I use to compile entries from about 25
gt; different individual's workbooks. I have a page for each person set up
gt; and was just using a formula
gt; quot;=[workbook_name]sheet_name!cell_referencequot;(i.e. ='[Auditor Savings Jan
gt; 06.xls]Audits'!$A$29). As the month goes on, each individual creates
gt; entries and those lines are fine. My problem is that a line that does
gt; not yet have data entered is showing up on my master as either quot;0quot; or
gt; 1/0/00. Is there a way to have the master page just show as blank when
gt; the data page doesn't have anything entered yet? I tried using
gt; conditional formatting (if cell is equal to 0), but that didn't do
gt; anything. Any suggestions?
gt; --
gt; kimmer4861
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; kimmer4861's Profile:
gt; www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=30755
gt; View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=504221
If you want to suppress all the zeros in the worksheet, then go to
Tools-gt;Options, View Tab and uncheck 'Zero values'. This will suppress
all zero values in that specific sheet..
kimmer4861 wrote:
gt; I have a master workbook that I use to compile entries from about 25
gt; different individual's workbooks. I have a page for each person set up
gt; and was just using a formula
gt; quot;=[workbook_name]sheet_name!cell_referencequot;(i.e. ='[Auditor Savings Jan
gt; 06.xls]Audits'!$A$29). As the month goes on, each individual creates
gt; entries and those lines are fine. My problem is that a line that does
gt; not yet have data entered is showing up on my master as either quot;0quot; or
gt; 1/0/00. Is there a way to have the master page just show as blank when
gt; the data page doesn't have anything entered yet? I tried using
gt; conditional formatting (if cell is equal to 0), but that didn't do
gt; anything. Any suggestions?
Thanks so much! I thought it would be something simple, I just couldn't
think of what it was.--
kimmer4861's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=30755
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=504221
- Jul 20 Thu 2006 20:08
Making cells show nothing