I apologize if this winds up being stupid-simple, but I have not used
Excel in quite some time and could not find an answer in tutorials or
on the web...
Is there a way to put a number in a cell, but have Excel calculate it
as a different quantity?
We are tabulating rankings of product: People chose their ten favorite
items and then were told them to rank them 1(highest)-10 (lowest).
We're assigning quantities to their rankings: #1=15, #2=14, etc. We
want to have their original rankings visible, but have the spreadsheet
calculate based on the quantities. Is there a way to enter a 1 and
have it calculate it as 15?
Thanks for whatever help you can offer,
hos's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=30253
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=499242
I just fiddled around and heres what i came up with, all you do is use
an if function and make the return_if_false statement a new if
=IF(C17=1, 15, (IF(C17=2, 14, (IF(C17=3, 13, C17)))))
this is only a simple example assuming 1=14, 2=14, 3=13, and if a
nubmer other than 1, two, or 3 are given, then it will return that same
put this formula in a cell you aren't using, and then just refer to
that cell instead of the one where people input their rankings--
mcrae's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=30252
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=499242
You'll probably get some good guesses at what you want, but I think
if you tell us how you will be using the re-assigned values...you'll
exactly what you want. Will you be adding them up? Multiplying them by
some other value? Relating them to other factors?
Ron Coderre
Ron Coderre's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=21419
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=499242Say your rankings starting in B1, and continuing down the column, try this
in C1, and copy down as needed:
Then you can simply total the column:
Please keep all correspondence within the NewsGroup, so all may benefit !
quot;hosquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; I apologize if this winds up being stupid-simple, but I have not used
gt; Excel in quite some time and could not find an answer in tutorials or
gt; on the web...
gt; Is there a way to put a number in a cell, but have Excel calculate it
gt; as a different quantity?
gt; We are tabulating rankings of product: People chose their ten favorite
gt; items and then were told them to rank them 1(highest)-10 (lowest).
gt; We're assigning quantities to their rankings: #1=15, #2=14, etc. We
gt; want to have their original rankings visible, but have the spreadsheet
gt; calculate based on the quantities. Is there a way to enter a 1 and
gt; have it calculate it as 15?
gt; Thanks for whatever help you can offer,
gt; hs
gt; --
gt; hos
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; hos's Profile:
gt; View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=499242
Ron Coderre Wrote:
gt; You'll probably get some good guesses at what you want, but I think
gt; if you tell us how you will be using the re-assigned values...you'll
gt; get
gt; exactly what you want. Will you be adding them up? Multiplying them by
gt; some other value? Relating them to other factors?
This is the basic set-up: Each row has a product name, each column a
user name; there will be more than 100 of each. The re-assigned values
will be simply added to a quot;total score,quot; and data will be sorted
according to that value. Another column is simply a COUNT column to
note how many uses rated that product. A third column (optional, but I
thought it interesting) would be an quot;Average rankingquot; based on the
original 1-10 rating.
Thanks much for the responses so far.--
hos's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=30253
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=499242How about:
=16 - B1,
where B1 is the ranking?
If you want to guard against spurious entries in B1, you can have:
=IF(AND(B1gt;0,B1lt;=10,B1=INT(B1)), 16-B1, quot;Invalid rankingquot;)
- Jul 20 Thu 2006 20:08
#1 Problem