I need to scramble the letters in a long list of names (i.e., from mary to
yamr). Does anyone know a way to do that?
Thank you
Try this UDF:
name in A1
this in B1
Function Scramble(oldname)
n = Len(oldname)
newname = quot;quot;
i = Int(Rnd() * n) 1
c = Mid(oldname, i, 1)
If c lt;gt; quot;*quot; Then
newname = newname amp; c
oldname = Replace(oldname, c, quot;*quot;, , 1)
End If
Loop Until Len(newname) = n
Scramble = LCase(newname)
End Function
quot;SusanBquot; wrote:
gt; I need to scramble the letters in a long list of names (i.e., from mary to
gt; yamr). Does anyone know a way to do that?
gt; Thank you