is their any way if I have a sheet with multiple data and dates, that
the totals can all be summed by date eg
if i have column A with a start date, column b with an end date and
column c with a total in one sheet. can I have another sheet that will
sum the data by date. the end date needs to pickup the previous date
that is listed.
Thanks for your help.--
david72's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...foamp;userid=7980
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=543253david72 wrote:
gt; Hi
gt; is their any way if I have a sheet with multiple data and dates, that
gt; the totals can all be summed by date eg
gt; if i have column A with a start date, column b with an end date and
gt; column c with a total in one sheet. can I have another sheet that
gt; will sum the data by date. the end date needs to pickup the previous
gt; date that is listed.
gt; Thanks for your help.
How's about a pivot table?
- Jul 20 Thu 2006 20:08
summing a date range