I have this equation :
(1/Do^4)*(T4 T2/Do)=T1-T3
T1, T2, T3 and T4 are known.
I need to find Do.
How may I solve this using EXEL ?
It doesn't look like this equation has an analytic solution, so it will
probably have to be solved numerically. Standard approach:
1) Arrange equation so it is in the form f(x)=0. One way in this case
(1/Do^4)*(T4 T2/Do)-T1 T3=0
2) Choose a value for Do that appears to be near the solution.
3) Numerically solve the equation. The Solver add-in is a utility in
Excel that can do this. If you need help using Solver, let us know.
4) Double check to make sure the solution found by Solver is
In some cases, there can be more than one solution. Choice of initial
guess will determine which solution is found. In cases where multiple
solutions are possible, it will be up to you to determine which is
MrShorty's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=22181
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=515373Thank you MrShorty,
Yesterday I tried to solved using Do = f(Do). I deactivated the automatic
calculation and used F9 to do it manualy (~ Gauss Seidel approach).
So, as you said, it could be solved numerically ....
Thank you very much for spending you time and help me. I really appreciated
Best Rgds,
quot;MrShortyquot; wrote:
gt; It doesn't look like this equation has an analytic solution, so it will
gt; probably have to be solved numerically. Standard approach:
gt; 1) Arrange equation so it is in the form f(x)=0. One way in this case
gt; (1/Do^4)*(T4 T2/Do)-T1 T3=0
gt; 2) Choose a value for Do that appears to be near the solution.
gt; 3) Numerically solve the equation. The Solver add-in is a utility in
gt; Excel that can do this. If you need help using Solver, let us know.
gt; 4) Double check to make sure the solution found by Solver is
gt; reasonable.
gt; In some cases, there can be more than one solution. Choice of initial
gt; guess will determine which solution is found. In cases where multiple
gt; solutions are possible, it will be up to you to determine which is
gt; meaningful.
gt; --
gt; MrShorty
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; MrShorty's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=22181
gt; View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=515373
- Jul 20 Thu 2006 20:08
How do I could solve a equation