I have created a pivot table and now before I send it to others I would like
to strip out the pivoting funvctionality so that all they see is a static
report. Is this possible?
Copy the pivot table
Create a new workbook, and select the cell where you'd like to
paste the pivot table
Choose Editgt;Paste Special, select Values, click OK
Choose Editgt;Paste Special, select Formats, click OK
carolyn wrote:
gt; I have created a pivot table and now before I send it to others I would like
gt; to strip out the pivoting funvctionality so that all they see is a static
gt; report. Is this possible?--
Debra Dalgleish
Excel FAQ, Tips amp; Book List
www.contextures.com/tiptech.htmlThanks. This is exactly what I was looking for
carolynquot;Debra Dalgleishquot; wrote:
gt; Copy the pivot table
gt; Create a new workbook, and select the cell where you'd like to
gt; paste the pivot table
gt; Choose Editgt;Paste Special, select Values, click OK
gt; Choose Editgt;Paste Special, select Formats, click OK
gt; carolyn wrote:
gt; gt; I have created a pivot table and now before I send it to others I would like
gt; gt; to strip out the pivoting funvctionality so that all they see is a static
gt; gt; report. Is this possible?
gt; --
gt; Debra Dalgleish
gt; Excel FAQ, Tips amp; Book List
gt; www.contextures.com/tiptech.html
- Jul 20 Thu 2006 20:08
Converting to a static repot