what do you mean it doesnt work?The file MUST be saved before you will see
anything in the cell....You will prolly need to use the indirect function to
get a shheet reference from your formula....the last part your question will
require a macro
remove nospam for email addy!
quot;Olle Svenssonquot; wrote:
gt; I've looked around here and found this formula for making the sheet name
gt; appear in a cell:
gt; =MID(CELL(quot;Filenamequot;,A1),FIND(quot;]quot;,CELL(quot;Filenamequot;,A1)) 1,255)
gt; I can not get it to work. At all. I want to use it to link sheets to a
gt; summary sheet. If anyone could give me a step-by-step, that would be great.
gt; Thanks.
gt; P.S. What I really want to do is to make a template where every time I copy
gt; one of the template sheets, the new one ends up with sheet name in the
gt; Summary sheet as well as links to different cells in the new sheet. Is it
gt; possible to do?
It is saved. That is not the matter. See, I want to make the filename of
FormulaSheet1 show up in cell A22 on the Summary sheet. Exactly how do I do
that? Just reading the formula does not help me at all.
quot;paulquot; wrote:
gt; what do you mean it doesnt work?The file MUST be saved before you will see
gt; anything in the cell....You will prolly need to use the indirect function to
gt; get a shheet reference from your formula....the last part your question will
gt; require a macro
gt; --
gt; paul
gt; remove nospam for email addy!
gt; quot;Olle Svenssonquot; wrote:
gt; gt; I've looked around here and found this formula for making the sheet name
gt; gt; appear in a cell:
gt; gt; =MID(CELL(quot;Filenamequot;,A1),FIND(quot;]quot;,CELL(quot;Filenamequot;,A1)) 1,255)
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I can not get it to work. At all. I want to use it to link sheets to a
gt; gt; summary sheet. If anyone could give me a step-by-step, that would be great.
gt; gt; Thanks.
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
gt; gt; P.S. What I really want to do is to make a template where every time I copy
gt; gt; one of the template sheets, the new one ends up with sheet name in the
gt; gt; Summary sheet as well as links to different cells in the new sheet. Is it
gt; gt; possible to do?
- Jul 20 Thu 2006 20:08
Sheet name to cell.