Hi, I did search through lots of place, but I couldn't find any answer.
I recently re-install the OS (XP Pro) and Office(2000).
Both are save version that I used to have, I just formatted the hard
I backed up all the data, and restored them.
I have lots of Excel file, and I used have all the number field fomat
as if they are nevagive value show in red.
Now after restore the data, they are all back in black.
I can change them back opening the each file and select cells...... but
it takes so much time.
So I was wondering if there is a way to change the format of all the
existing files. I know I can put the template file in the XLStart
folder for new files.
But I want to do it for all the existing files.
Could anyone help???
I appreciate it.
Thank you.--
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- Oct 22 Sun 2006 20:09
Number format on existing files