I am trying to use the rand or randbetween function to select random samples,
but I keep receiving duplicate numbers. For example, I have a list of 70
samples but only want to select 25. I type in the formula and then drag it
down 25 cells, but some of those cells have the same number. How do I make
them unique?
If you put the formula
=RAND() in A1 and copy down to A70 then in B1
and copy down to B25 this should give you 25 different integers between
1 and 70--
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View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=512953Take a look he
www.mcgimpsey.com/excel/udfs/...noreplace.htmlIn article gt;,
Monica gt; wrote:
gt; I am trying to use the rand or randbetween function to select random samples,
gt; but I keep receiving duplicate numbers. For example, I have a list of 70
gt; samples but only want to select 25. I type in the formula and then drag it
gt; down 25 cells, but some of those cells have the same number. How do I make
gt; them unique?
gt; Thanks!
- Oct 22 Sun 2006 20:09
How do you avoid duplicates when using the randbetween function?