I have a starter cell with a month/year. Is there a way other than
date(year(),month() 1,1) to get the following cell to just add one to the
month (and I need something that would continue for four years...I know that
month 13 of any year is the next year, so am figuring that might play into
this formula).
Assuming you DO need formulas, if the starter cell is, say, A2, you can use
the formula =DATE(2005,ROW()-1,1) and copy that down for 47 more cells. This
should be faster to recalculate since it uses only 1 date function (plus
ROW()) instead of 3.
But if you don't need formulas but just want the literal dates, type the
initial date in your starter cell. Then right-click on the fill handle in the
lower right corner of that cell, drag down for 47 cells, and when you release
the mouse button, select Fill Months.
On Mon, 12 Dec 2005 21:00:02 -0800, BorisS gt;
gt;I have a starter cell with a month/year. Is there a way other than
gt;date(year(),month() 1,1) to get the following cell to just add one to the
gt;month (and I need something that would continue for four years...I know that
gt;month 13 of any year is the next year, so am figuring that might play into
gt;this formula).
One way (requires the Analysis ToolPak add-in be installed):
=EOMONTH(A1,0) 1
Format to suit.
quot;BorisSquot; gt; wrote in message
gt;I have a starter cell with a month/year. Is there a way other than
gt; date(year(),month() 1,1) to get the following cell to just add one to the
gt; month (and I need something that would continue for four years...I know
gt; that
gt; month 13 of any year is the next year, so am figuring that might play into
gt; this formula).
gt; Thx.
gt; --
gt; Boris
If you install the Analysis Toolpak addin you can use the Edate formula
which adds months to a date eg
Hope this helps
BorisS wrote:
gt; I have a starter cell with a month/year. Is there a way other than
gt; date(year(),month() 1,1) to get the following cell to just add one to the
gt; month (and I need something that would continue for four years...I know that
gt; month 13 of any year is the next year, so am figuring that might play into
gt; this formula).
gt; Thx.
Try the EOMonth function. You'll need to load the Analysis ToolPak
add-in first.
It's self-explanatory, but if you get stuck you can refer to in-built
quot;BorisSquot; gt; wrote in message
| I have a starter cell with a month/year. Is there a way other than
| date(year(),month() 1,1) to get the following cell to just add one
to the
| month (and I need something that would continue for four years...I
know that
| month 13 of any year is the next year, so am figuring that might
play into
| this formula).
| Thx.
| --
| Boris
thanks all for eomonth suggetions. I had found it right before looking here.
Does this mean that if my users do not have the toolpack, this function will
not appear properly?
Borisquot;ScottOquot; wrote:
gt; Try the EOMonth function. You'll need to load the Analysis ToolPak
gt; add-in first.
gt; It's self-explanatory, but if you get stuck you can refer to in-built
gt; help.
gt; Rgds,
gt; ScottO
gt; quot;BorisSquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; news
gt; | I have a starter cell with a month/year. Is there a way other than
gt; | date(year(),month() 1,1) to get the following cell to just add one
gt; to the
gt; | month (and I need something that would continue for four years...I
gt; know that
gt; | month 13 of any year is the next year, so am figuring that might
gt; play into
gt; | this formula).
gt; |
gt; | Thx.
gt; | --
gt; | Boris
gt;Does this mean that if my users do not have the toolpack, this function
gt;not appear properly?
That is correct. Without the ATP the formula will return a #NAME? error.
quot;BorisSquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; thanks all for eomonth suggetions. I had found it right before looking
gt; here.
gt; Does this mean that if my users do not have the toolpack, this function
gt; will
gt; not appear properly?
gt; --
gt; Boris
gt; quot;ScottOquot; wrote:
gt;gt; Try the EOMonth function. You'll need to load the Analysis ToolPak
gt;gt; add-in first.
gt;gt; It's self-explanatory, but if you get stuck you can refer to in-built
gt;gt; help.
gt;gt; Rgds,
gt;gt; ScottO
gt;gt; quot;BorisSquot; gt; wrote in message
gt;gt; news
gt;gt; | I have a starter cell with a month/year. Is there a way other than
gt;gt; | date(year(),month() 1,1) to get the following cell to just add one
gt;gt; to the
gt;gt; | month (and I need something that would continue for four years...I
gt;gt; know that
gt;gt; | month 13 of any year is the next year, so am figuring that might
gt;gt; play into
gt;gt; | this formula).
gt;gt; |
gt;gt; | Thx.
gt;gt; | --
gt;gt; | Boris
- Oct 22 Sun 2006 20:09
additional month calculation