
I have a range of numbers that I need Excel to perform a function based on
the conditions. The formula I wrote works fine for what I need it to do, but
I can't next beyond 7 expressions. I know someone said I should use LOOKUP to
do this, but I know nothing about the LOOKUP function and I'm not a math
whiz, so I'm lost on that.

Basically, here is the formula that I currently have:

=if(c18=0,0, if(c18lt;=5, 2.50, if(c18lt;=10, 5.00, if(c18lt;=15, 7.50))))

{There is more to the formula, but hopefully that gives the idea}

I have a list of numbers for payments for minutes of transcription that I
need to be able to put in the amount of time transcribed, and have it return
the proper amount.

0-5 minutes = 2.50
5-10 minutes = 5.00
11-15 minutes = 7.50

Et cetera

The problem is this goes up to 55-60 mintues = 30.00

If I could nest more than seven expressions, this would work fine, as it
does the job up to seven. What do you do, though, when you need more than 7?
There is a total of 12 conditions here.

If your sequence continues in the same progression, try this:


Does that help?


XL2002, WinXP-Proquot;Ladypepquot; wrote:

gt; I have a range of numbers that I need Excel to perform a function based on
gt; the conditions. The formula I wrote works fine for what I need it to do, but
gt; I can't next beyond 7 expressions. I know someone said I should use LOOKUP to
gt; do this, but I know nothing about the LOOKUP function and I'm not a math
gt; whiz, so I'm lost on that.
gt; Basically, here is the formula that I currently have:
gt; =if(c18=0,0, if(c18lt;=5, 2.50, if(c18lt;=10, 5.00, if(c18lt;=15, 7.50))))
gt; {There is more to the formula, but hopefully that gives the idea}
gt; I have a list of numbers for payments for minutes of transcription that I
gt; need to be able to put in the amount of time transcribed, and have it return
gt; the proper amount.
gt; 0-5 minutes = 2.50
gt; 5-10 minutes = 5.00
gt; 11-15 minutes = 7.50
gt; Et cetera
gt; The problem is this goes up to 55-60 mintues = 30.00
gt; If I could nest more than seven expressions, this would work fine, as it
gt; does the job up to seven. What do you do, though, when you need more than 7?
gt; There is a total of 12 conditions here.
gt; --
gt; Sherry

You don't need an if function nor a lookup. A direct calculation will do the
=INT((C18 4.9999)/5)*2.5

Bob Umlas
Excel MVP

quot;Ladypepquot; wrote:

gt; I have a range of numbers that I need Excel to perform a function based on
gt; the conditions. The formula I wrote works fine for what I need it to do, but
gt; I can't next beyond 7 expressions. I know someone said I should use LOOKUP to
gt; do this, but I know nothing about the LOOKUP function and I'm not a math
gt; whiz, so I'm lost on that.
gt; Basically, here is the formula that I currently have:
gt; =if(c18=0,0, if(c18lt;=5, 2.50, if(c18lt;=10, 5.00, if(c18lt;=15, 7.50))))
gt; {There is more to the formula, but hopefully that gives the idea}
gt; I have a list of numbers for payments for minutes of transcription that I
gt; need to be able to put in the amount of time transcribed, and have it return
gt; the proper amount.
gt; 0-5 minutes = 2.50
gt; 5-10 minutes = 5.00
gt; 11-15 minutes = 7.50
gt; Et cetera
gt; The problem is this goes up to 55-60 mintues = 30.00
gt; If I could nest more than seven expressions, this would work fine, as it
gt; does the job up to seven. What do you do, though, when you need more than 7?
gt; There is a total of 12 conditions here.
gt; --
gt; Sherry

Ron's formula will work unless C18 is 0, so you may need to add an if


If 0 should return 0 then just use Ron's formula.--
mphell0's Profile:;userid=30153
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