I've check the forum, can't seem to find an answer to this; My text will not
wrap AFTER i changed row height, even if I re-format that cell. Besides
entering a manual bread (Alt Enter) how can I fix this?
I assume that you have formatted the cell:
Format gt; Cells gt; Alignment and check the wrap text box.
This alone will not cause wrapping. The column width must be such as to
require wrapping. If the column is too wide, wrapping will not occur.
Gary's Studentquot;Nanodreamquot; wrote:
gt; Hi,
gt; I've check the forum, can't seem to find an answer to this; My text will not
gt; wrap AFTER i changed row height, even if I re-format that cell. Besides
gt; entering a manual bread (Alt Enter) how can I fix this?
- Oct 22 Sun 2006 20:09
wrap text problem