I have a data table containing 52 weeks data on 20 people e.g. number of
holidays taken in a particular week, Income in a particular week.
I'm using pivot table to summarise the data and need to use a non standard
command to select the last income figure (say week 52) for each of the
persons rather than for example Sum of Income.
Any ideas?
Assuming you dont want to do this every day...
Sort the data by person and amount .. in a helper column use some
command like..
=if([name]lt;gt;[name in cell above],quot;usequot;,quot;ignorequot;)
Then add that column to the PAGE area and fiter out the quot;ignorequot;
There must be a better way :-)
steven1001's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=30757
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=528896Thanks Steven. There is a better way! I was advised today to cut my losses
and use a second pivot table driven from the same data. On this pivot, I
have included 'DATE' on the page and this allows me to select the date on the
line that I wish to draw the data from. It works well.
quot;steven1001quot; wrote:
gt; Assuming you dont want to do this every day...
gt; Sort the data by person and amount .. in a helper column use some
gt; command like..
gt; =if([name]lt;gt;[name in cell above],quot;usequot;,quot;ignorequot;)
gt; Then add that column to the PAGE area and fiter out the quot;ignorequot;
gt; values.
gt; There must be a better way :-)
gt; regards..
gt; --
gt; steven1001
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; steven1001's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=30757
gt; View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=528896
- Oct 22 Sun 2006 20:09
Using non standard actions on an Excel 97 pivot table