we need that users will enter same exact values in 2 different colums. the
reson being is that the spreadsheet data is uploaded to DB. later on a
program checks that values in each column are matching in order to permit the
if the user enter quot;Math1quot; in one column but quot;Math 1quot; in the second column,
the program will deney his request.
i am wondering if there is a way that typing values in one column will allso
fill up same values on a different column?
Assuming the 1st quot;Math1quot; is in cell A2, enter following formula for 2nd
This will automatically copy the cell contents into 2nd cell
quot;michael Mquot; lt;michael gt; a écrit dans le message de
gt; we need that users will enter same exact values in 2 different colums. the
gt; reson being is that the spreadsheet data is uploaded to DB. later on a
gt; program checks that values in each column are matching in order to permit
gt; request.
gt; if the user enter quot;Math1quot; in one column but quot;Math 1quot; in the second column,
gt; the program will deney his request.
gt; i am wondering if there is a way that typing values in one column will
gt; fill up same values on a different column?
One way:
In the second column use a formula that references the first column. In
your example, if the value quot;Math1quot; is entered in cell A2, use the formula
in the other columnquot;michael Mquot; wrote:
gt; we need that users will enter same exact values in 2 different colums. the
gt; reson being is that the spreadsheet data is uploaded to DB. later on a
gt; program checks that values in each column are matching in order to permit the
gt; request.
gt; if the user enter quot;Math1quot; in one column but quot;Math 1quot; in the second column,
gt; the program will deney his request.
gt; i am wondering if there is a way that typing values in one column will allso
gt; fill up same values on a different column?
- Oct 22 Sun 2006 20:09
can a cell value to be duplicated to another cell during data entr