
Is there an option in XL that if I type data into a cell with a sign
at the beginning the sign will remain?

For example, in cell A1, if I enter, quot; 125quot;, the quot; quot; goes away and
leaves the quot;125quot;. I want the quot; quot; to stay.

For example, if I typed quot;=125quot; the quot;=quot; stays, but I want to type quot; 125quot;
and have the quot; quot; stay.

Thanks!Change your format to Text. It will accept whatever you type there. Excel
handles 125 as a positive integer and lops off the as you have seen.

quot;Nativequot; wrote:

gt; Is there an option in XL that if I type data into a cell with a sign
gt; at the beginning the sign will remain?
gt; For example, in cell A1, if I enter, quot; 125quot;, the quot; quot; goes away and
gt; leaves the quot;125quot;. I want the quot; quot; to stay.
gt; For example, if I typed quot;=125quot; the quot;=quot; stays, but I want to type quot; 125quot;
gt; and have the quot; quot; stay.
gt; Thanks!

Pre-format the cells for TEXT or type a leading apostrophe in front of the

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3
quot;Nativequot; wrote:

gt; Is there an option in XL that if I type data into a cell with a sign
gt; at the beginning the sign will remain?
gt; For example, in cell A1, if I enter, quot; 125quot;, the quot; quot; goes away and
gt; leaves the quot;125quot;. I want the quot; quot; to stay.
gt; For example, if I typed quot;=125quot; the quot;=quot; stays, but I want to type quot; 125quot;
gt; and have the quot; quot; stay.
gt; Thanks!

Either format the cell as TEXT, or type an apostrophe before the .

Type: ' 125
Displays: 125

The apostrophe is not displayed, but everything following it will be
displayed as text.


quot;Nativequot; wrote:

gt; Is there an option in XL that if I type data into a cell with a sign
gt; at the beginning the sign will remain?
gt; For example, in cell A1, if I enter, quot; 125quot;, the quot; quot; goes away and
gt; leaves the quot;125quot;. I want the quot; quot; to stay.
gt; For example, if I typed quot;=125quot; the quot;=quot; stays, but I want to type quot; 125quot;
gt; and have the quot; quot; stay.
gt; Thanks!

The quot;=125quot; stays because it is a formula saying quot;This cell is equal to

To keep the quot; quot; you could enter a custom number format of quot; 0;-0quot; (for
numbers without decimals). You wouldn't need to enter the quot; quot; as
positive numbers would include the quot; quot; via the format.Thanks for the replies. However, why I want to do this is so I can type
in say quot; 54quot;, then if at a later time I want to add 125 to that 54, I
can just open the cell and hit quot; 125quot; and the cell display 179.

As it works now, if I hit quot; 54quot; then go to add additional numbers
later, I hit [F2] then hit [Home], then quot;=quot;, then [End], then quot; 125quot;.
I'd like to minimize all these key strokes especially when I have
hundreds of data entry cells to change.

OR, is there a way to have one of the keypad numbers start data entry
in a new cell with an quot;=quot; input? For example, I've found if I go to
start inputting data into a cell with the quot;/quot; key next to NumLock, it's
like hitting the [Alt] key.That's a problem. Entering a new number or formula overwrites the
existing number or formula. There is no way to tell Excel to add what
you just typed in to what was already there.

You can update the cells in question in a couple of ways:

You could enter your update figures in another column, row, or array
the same shape as the range you're updating, then copy the whole range
and use Paste Special to paste the Values with an Add operation into
the original data. This will add the new figures to the existing ones.
After that you delete the update figures. A nice feature of this is
that you can double-check the new figures before adding them to the
original figures. And you just need to type in numbers.

You can use a series of cells in which you put in your numbers to come
up with a total which you would calculate in another cell. For
example, A1 might hold your total, and B1, C1, D1, etc, would hold the
figures that make up the total. Or you could put those figures under
cell A1 in A2, A3, and so on. New figures go into their own cells.
You can reconcile figures back several iterations this way. And again,
you only need to type in numbers.

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