
I have a table of census information broken down by neighborhood. I need to
transfer the data so that the neighborhood column becomes a neighborhood row
and the census row becomes a column. For example, I have something like the
following now

Neighborhood Population Households
Hunters Point 2,500 857
Traverse 6,700 2500

And I need something like this:

Hunters Point Traverse
Population 2,500 6,700
Households 857 2,500

I have been trying to do this with a pivottable, but it keeps summing
things, and I could do it by hand, but the time constraints on this are not
feasible due to the amount of data that I have. Any help is appreciated.

Thank you.

Look at Editgt;Paste Special, Transpose

Kind regards,

Niek Otten

quot;willybquot; gt; wrote in message
gt;I have a table of census information broken down by neighborhood. I need to
gt; transfer the data so that the neighborhood column becomes a neighborhood
gt; row
gt; and the census row becomes a column. For example, I have something like
gt; the
gt; following now
gt; Neighborhood Population Households
gt; Hunters Point 2,500 857
gt; Traverse 6,700 2500
gt; And I need something like this:
gt; Hunters Point Traverse
gt; Population 2,500 6,700
gt; Households 857 2,500
gt; I have been trying to do this with a pivottable, but it keeps summing
gt; things, and I could do it by hand, but the time constraints on this are
gt; not
gt; feasible due to the amount of data that I have. Any help is appreciated.
gt; Thank you.
Hi Willyb,

Select the data
Edit | Copy

Select a non-overlapping cell
Edit | PasteSpecial | Transpose

quot;willybquot; gt; wrote in message
gt;I have a table of census information broken down by neighborhood. I need to
gt; transfer the data so that the neighborhood column becomes a neighborhood
gt; row
gt; and the census row becomes a column. For example, I have something like
gt; the
gt; following now
gt; Neighborhood Population Households
gt; Hunters Point 2,500 857
gt; Traverse 6,700 2500
gt; And I need something like this:
gt; Hunters Point Traverse
gt; Population 2,500 6,700
gt; Households 857 2,500
gt; I have been trying to do this with a pivottable, but it keeps summing
gt; things, and I could do it by hand, but the time constraints on this are
gt; not
gt; feasible due to the amount of data that I have. Any help is appreciated.
gt; Thank you.
Wonderful. Thank you.

quot;Niek Ottenquot; wrote:

gt; Look at Editgt;Paste Special, Transpose
gt; --
gt; Kind regards,
gt; Niek Otten
gt; quot;willybquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt; gt;I have a table of census information broken down by neighborhood. I need to
gt; gt; transfer the data so that the neighborhood column becomes a neighborhood
gt; gt; row
gt; gt; and the census row becomes a column. For example, I have something like
gt; gt; the
gt; gt; following now
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Neighborhood Population Households
gt; gt; Hunters Point 2,500 857
gt; gt; Traverse 6,700 2500
gt; gt;
gt; gt; And I need something like this:
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Hunters Point Traverse
gt; gt; Population 2,500 6,700
gt; gt; Households 857 2,500
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I have been trying to do this with a pivottable, but it keeps summing
gt; gt; things, and I could do it by hand, but the time constraints on this are
gt; gt; not
gt; gt; feasible due to the amount of data that I have. Any help is appreciated.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Thank you.

Wonderful. Thank you.

quot;Norman Jonesquot; wrote:

gt; Hi Willyb,
gt; Select the data
gt; Edit | Copy
gt; Select a non-overlapping cell
gt; Edit | PasteSpecial | Transpose
gt; ---
gt; Regards,
gt; Norman
gt; quot;willybquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt; gt;I have a table of census information broken down by neighborhood. I need to
gt; gt; transfer the data so that the neighborhood column becomes a neighborhood
gt; gt; row
gt; gt; and the census row becomes a column. For example, I have something like
gt; gt; the
gt; gt; following now
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Neighborhood Population Households
gt; gt; Hunters Point 2,500 857
gt; gt; Traverse 6,700 2500
gt; gt;
gt; gt; And I need something like this:
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Hunters Point Traverse
gt; gt; Population 2,500 6,700
gt; gt; Households 857 2,500
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I have been trying to do this with a pivottable, but it keeps summing
gt; gt; things, and I could do it by hand, but the time constraints on this are
gt; gt; not
gt; gt; feasible due to the amount of data that I have. Any help is appreciated.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Thank you.

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