Condictional formatting have 3 condictions available.
I need more because:
The cell D12 have a list (name Documents - invoice, credit note, debit note,
.... more than 3). when I try to make on cell K12 a conditional formatting,
formula D12=quot;Invoicequot; it works, but when I try D12=quot;invoicequot; or quot;credit notequot;
..... it don't work.
please could anybody help me ?
quot;Nuno Jácomequot; wrote:
gt; Condictional formatting have 3 condictions available.
gt; I need more because:
gt; The cell D12 have a list (name Documents - invoice, credit note, debit note,
gt; ... more than 3). when I try to make on cell K12 a conditional formatting,
gt; formula D12=quot;Invoicequot; it works, but when I try D12=quot;invoicequot; or quot;credit notequot;
gt; .... it don't work.
gt; please could anybody help me ?
If you put your list of all the values in another column, you can then have
D12 refer to a Range of cells instead of just one. Put your quot;likequot; items in
a group, then have the formula work like this if your new column is in G.
quot;Invoicequot; is in G2 and quot;credit notequot; is in G3
Formula D2=$G$2:$G$3
Will this help?
The Machine says: It not possible use unions, interactions,
Thanks any way
quot;jbtenor1quot; escreveu:
gt; quot;Nuno Jácomequot; wrote:
gt; gt; Condictional formatting have 3 condictions available.
gt; gt; I need more because:
gt; gt; The cell D12 have a list (name Documents - invoice, credit note, debit note,
gt; gt; ... more than 3). when I try to make on cell K12 a conditional formatting,
gt; gt; formula D12=quot;Invoicequot; it works, but when I try D12=quot;invoicequot; or quot;credit notequot;
gt; gt; .... it don't work.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; please could anybody help me ?
gt; If you put your list of all the values in another column, you can then have
gt; D12 refer to a Range of cells instead of just one. Put your quot;likequot; items in
gt; a group, then have the formula work like this if your new column is in G.
gt; quot;Invoicequot; is in G2 and quot;credit notequot; is in G3
gt; Formula D2=$G$2:$G$3
gt; Will this help?
quot;jbtenor1quot; escreveu:
gt; quot;Nuno Jácomequot; wrote:
gt; gt; Condictional formatting have 3 condictions available.
gt; gt; I need more because:
gt; gt; The cell D12 have a list (name Documents - invoice, credit note, debit note,
gt; gt; ... more than 3). when I try to make on cell K12 a conditional formatting,
gt; gt; formula D12=quot;Invoicequot; it works, but when I try D12=quot;invoicequot; or quot;credit notequot;
gt; gt; .... it don't work.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; please could anybody help me ?
gt; If you put your list of all the values in another column, you can then have
gt; D12 refer to a Range of cells instead of just one. Put your quot;likequot; items in
gt; a group, then have the formula work like this if your new column is in G.
gt; quot;Invoicequot; is in G2 and quot;credit notequot; is in G3
gt; Formula D2=$G$2:$G$3
gt; Will this help?
The Machine says: It not possible use unions, interactions, ........
Thanks anyway
Are you just trying to put multiple tests under one conditional format
condition or are you truly trying to use more than 3 conditional formats (4
if you count the default format)? If you are just trying to conditionally
format using the same format if D12 is either quot;invoicequot; or quot;credit notequot; then
you can use the formula: =OR(quot;invoicequot;,quot;creditquot;).
- Roadkill
quot;Nuno Jácomequot; wrote:
gt; quot;jbtenor1quot; escreveu:
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
gt; gt; quot;Nuno Jácomequot; wrote:
gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; Condictional formatting have 3 condictions available.
gt; gt; gt; I need more because:
gt; gt; gt; The cell D12 have a list (name Documents - invoice, credit note, debit note,
gt; gt; gt; ... more than 3). when I try to make on cell K12 a conditional formatting,
gt; gt; gt; formula D12=quot;Invoicequot; it works, but when I try D12=quot;invoicequot; or quot;credit notequot;
gt; gt; gt; .... it don't work.
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; please could anybody help me ?
gt; gt;
gt; gt; If you put your list of all the values in another column, you can then have
gt; gt; D12 refer to a Range of cells instead of just one. Put your quot;likequot; items in
gt; gt; a group, then have the formula work like this if your new column is in G.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; quot;Invoicequot; is in G2 and quot;credit notequot; is in G3
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Formula D2=$G$2:$G$3
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Will this help?
gt; The Machine says: It not possible use unions, interactions, ........
gt; Thanks anyway
I'm not un expert, so I will try to explain again.
In the D12 cell I have a list (Invoice, credit note, Debit note, etc).
In the cell K12 I have a number (curency format €).
I want if D12 as select Invoice or (more than 3) K12 will appear red.
I can do it till 3 times like this: =D12=quot;invoicequot;
I try your suggestion and it don't work because (I think) I put
=D12=OR(quot;invoicequot;,quot;creditquot;) if I put =OR(quot;invoicequot;,quot;creditquot;) it don't work
too because the cell K12 have a number to be colored if D12 as quot;invoicequot; or
quot;creditquot; or ..........
Thanks any wayquot;roadkillquot; escreveu:
gt; Are you just trying to put multiple tests under one conditional format
gt; condition or are you truly trying to use more than 3 conditional formats (4
gt; if you count the default format)? If you are just trying to conditionally
gt; format using the same format if D12 is either quot;invoicequot; or quot;credit notequot; then
gt; you can use the formula: =OR(quot;invoicequot;,quot;creditquot;).
gt; - Roadkill
gt; quot;Nuno Jácomequot; wrote:
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
gt; gt; quot;jbtenor1quot; escreveu:
gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; quot;Nuno Jácomequot; wrote:
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; gt; Condictional formatting have 3 condictions available.
gt; gt; gt; gt; I need more because:
gt; gt; gt; gt; The cell D12 have a list (name Documents - invoice, credit note, debit note,
gt; gt; gt; gt; ... more than 3). when I try to make on cell K12 a conditional formatting,
gt; gt; gt; gt; formula D12=quot;Invoicequot; it works, but when I try D12=quot;invoicequot; or quot;credit notequot;
gt; gt; gt; gt; .... it don't work.
gt; gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; gt; please could anybody help me ?
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; If you put your list of all the values in another column, you can then have
gt; gt; gt; D12 refer to a Range of cells instead of just one. Put your quot;likequot; items in
gt; gt; gt; a group, then have the formula work like this if your new column is in G.
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; quot;Invoicequot; is in G2 and quot;credit notequot; is in G3
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; Formula D2=$G$2:$G$3
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; Will this help?
gt; gt;
gt; gt; The Machine says: It not possible use unions, interactions, ........
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Thanks anyway
- Oct 22 Sun 2006 20:10
Conditional formatting