I have imported a query into excel and I'm having a problem sorting the data.
The data consists of part #, description, technician #, usage qty, and usage
date. I am trying to find the last used date for each part #. The imported
query gives every used qty of every part and looks something like this:
1..part # description tech # usage qty usage date
2..11647 spool oring 2101 -4 051202
3..11647 spool oring 2103 -1 040103
4..12896 fan motor 4109 -3 060301
I can do a pivot table on another sheet and sort by tech number or part
number and get some sort of organization, but I'm only interested in knowing
the last time a part was used. I've tried inserting a formula into
F2=if(E2lt;051212,quot;Over 6 months agoquot;,quot;quot;) and so on, which organizes the part
usage into a few useable types, but I can't seem to organize it down to the
last uasage. Any tips or hints would be great.
which is an array formula, it should be committed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter, not
just Enter.
Bob Phillips
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)
quot;mikefranklin1969quot; gt; wrote in
message ...
gt; I have imported a query into excel and I'm having a problem sorting the
gt; The data consists of part #, description, technician #, usage qty, and
gt; date. I am trying to find the last used date for each part #. The
gt; query gives every used qty of every part and looks something like this:
gt; A B C D
gt; =MAX((A2:A20=11647)*(F2:F20))gt;
gt; I can do a pivot table on another sheet and sort by tech number or part
gt; number and get some sort of organization, but I'm only interested in
gt; the last time a part was used. I've tried inserting a formula into
gt; F2=if(E2lt;051212,quot;Over 6 months agoquot;,quot;quot;) and so on, which organizes the
gt; usage into a few useable types, but I can't seem to organize it down to
gt; last uasage. Any tips or hints would be great.
- Oct 22 Sun 2006 20:10
Finding last used