I would like to vary the colors on a bar chart by bar.
The chart plots 7 points agains a standard.
The standard has the value of 100.
The points change based on information received weekly.
This will cause the bars to, sometimes, be above the standard and,
sometimes, below the standard.
How can I force the bars to change colors with every update so that when the
bar goes over the chart it will be green but when it falls below the chart it
will be red?
Have a look at Jon's example of conditional charting.
Tim wrote:
gt; I would like to vary the colors on a bar chart by bar.
gt; The chart plots 7 points agains a standard.
gt; The standard has the value of 100.
gt; The points change based on information received weekly.
gt; This will cause the bars to, sometimes, be above the standard and,
gt; sometimes, below the standard.
gt; How can I force the bars to change colors with every update so that when the
gt; bar goes over the chart it will be green but when it falls below the chart it
gt; will be red?
gt; Tim
Andy Pope, Microsoft MVP - Excel
- Nov 18 Sat 2006 20:10
Vary bar colors by bar