I would like for a cell to automatically fill a string to 7 characters
no mater how many characters they enter. example: If the user enters
A256 I want the cell to display A000256 or if the user enters A0256 it
will display A000256. Is there a way for formating to do this? If not
then what would the code look like to make it happen?
Thanks for any help!!--
Brian Matlack
Brian Matlack's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...foamp;userid=3508
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=520330Hi!
Do all the entries start with the letter quot;Aquot;?
Maybe something like this:
Custom format: quot;Aquot;000000
Then the users would enter just the number, 256 (or whatever). However,
using this format the true underlying value of the cell would be numeric 256
and not the displayed value of A000256.
Another way:
Use a helper cell:
A1 = A256
B1 = formula:
quot;Brian Matlackquot; gt;
wrote in message
news:Brian.Matlack.24dgfc_1141856405.7611@excelfor um-nospam.com...
gt; Hi!
gt; I would like for a cell to automatically fill a string to 7 characters
gt; no mater how many characters they enter. example: If the user enters
gt; A256 I want the cell to display A000256 or if the user enters A0256 it
gt; will display A000256. Is there a way for formating to do this? If not
gt; then what would the code look like to make it happen?
gt; Thanks for any help!!
gt; --
gt; Brian Matlack
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; Brian Matlack's Profile:
gt; www.excelforum.com/member.php...foamp;userid=3508
gt; View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=520330
- Nov 18 Sat 2006 20:10
Auto fill cell entry