I have a cell in a spreadsheet (book30.xls) with a formula
(vlookup(a1,[book20.xls]sheet1!$A$1:$b$4,2), however the name of the
workbook referenced will vary on a day by day basis to include a date
e.g.book20_20012006 . There are many similar formulas in the book30.xls
spreadsheet which would also need to be updated to reflect the filename.
What is easiest way to facilitate this if any? I would imagine that I
would need the inputbox function to obatin the date from the user,
whatever date is returned is the date that must be attached to the
book20.xls filename.
I hope the above makes sense.
sgrech's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=14501
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=504688
sgrech Wrote:
gt; I have a cell in a spreadsheet (book30.xls) with a formula
gt; (vlookup(a1,[book20.xls]sheet1!$A$1:$b$4,2), however the name of the
gt; workbook referenced will vary on a day by day basis to include a date
gt; e.g.book20_20012006 . There are many similar formulas in the book30.xls
gt; spreadsheet which would also need to be updated to reflect the filename.
gt; What is easiest way to facilitate this if any? I would imagine that I
gt; would need the inputbox function to obatin the date from the user,
gt; whatever date is returned is the date that must be attached to the
gt; book20.xls filename.
gt; I hope the above makes sense.
gt; Cheers
gt; Simon
C'mon guys somebody must have a ckue regarding this - have I not
explained myself clearly?
sgrech's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=14501
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=504688
- Nov 18 Sat 2006 20:10