
Hi All,

Here's my problem. I know a bit about formula's on excel but this one has
got me stumped. For example: I have to different shops with many different
locations. The locations are in different cells to the shops.

Here's an Example
Each line is classed as 1 incident
ASDA Wigan
ASDA Skelmersdale
ALDI Wigan
ALDI Skelmersdale

I need to know how many occurences of asda wigan and aldi wigan. When i use
the =countif formula it deducts the answer from the first sum and uses it for
the second sum. I have hears of a way of entering a formula that tells me the
answer. I think it was something to do with asking asda = 1 where
skelmersdale occurs and asda = 1 where wigan occurs. Then the same for all
the others.

Please Help.

Phil Jenkins

Why not just


If the example data is only part and you don't want other stores in Wigan,



Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

quot;Phil Jenkinsquot; lt;Phil gt; wrote in message
gt; Hi All,
gt; Here's my problem. I know a bit about formula's on excel but this one has
gt; got me stumped. For example: I have to different shops with many different
gt; locations. The locations are in different cells to the shops.
gt; Here's an Example
gt; Each line is classed as 1 incident
gt; ASDA Wigan
gt; ASDA Skelmersdale
gt; ALDI Wigan
gt; ALDI Skelmersdale
gt; I need to know how many occurences of asda wigan and aldi wigan. When i
gt; the =countif formula it deducts the answer from the first sum and uses it
gt; the second sum. I have hears of a way of entering a formula that tells me
gt; answer. I think it was something to do with asking asda = 1 where
gt; skelmersdale occurs and asda = 1 where wigan occurs. Then the same for all
gt; the others.
gt; Please Help.
gt; Phil Jenkins

Assuming your data is in A1:B4 then,

=SUMPRODUCT(OR(A1:A4=quot;ALDIquot;,A1:A4=quot;ASDAquot;)*(B1:C4=quot; Wiganquot;))

Does that help?

SteveG's Profile:;userid=7571
View this thread: something like this:

With data in Col_A and Col_B

C1: =SUMPRODUCT((A1:A10={quot;ASDAquot;,quot;ALDIquot;})*(B1:B10=quot;WIGA Nquot;))

Adjust range references to suit your situation.

Does that help?


XL2002, WinXP-Proquot;Phil Jenkinsquot; wrote:

gt; Hi All,
gt; Here's my problem. I know a bit about formula's on excel but this one has
gt; got me stumped. For example: I have to different shops with many different
gt; locations. The locations are in different cells to the shops.
gt; Here's an Example
gt; Each line is classed as 1 incident
gt; ASDA Wigan
gt; ASDA Skelmersdale
gt; ALDI Wigan
gt; ALDI Skelmersdale
gt; I need to know how many occurences of asda wigan and aldi wigan. When i use
gt; the =countif formula it deducts the answer from the first sum and uses it for
gt; the second sum. I have hears of a way of entering a formula that tells me the
gt; answer. I think it was something to do with asking asda = 1 where
gt; skelmersdale occurs and asda = 1 where wigan occurs. Then the same for all
gt; the others.
gt; Please Help.
gt; Phil Jenkins

to get the count of ASDA/Wigan and ALDI/Wigan use

=SUMPRODUCT(--(A1:A100={quot;ASDAquot;, quot;ALDIquot;})*(B1:B100=quot;Wiganquot;))

quot;Phil Jenkinsquot; wrote:

gt; Hi All,
gt; Here's my problem. I know a bit about formula's on excel but this one has
gt; got me stumped. For example: I have to different shops with many different
gt; locations. The locations are in different cells to the shops.
gt; Here's an Example
gt; Each line is classed as 1 incident
gt; ASDA Wigan
gt; ASDA Skelmersdale
gt; ALDI Wigan
gt; ALDI Skelmersdale
gt; I need to know how many occurences of asda wigan and aldi wigan. When i use
gt; the =countif formula it deducts the answer from the first sum and uses it for
gt; the second sum. I have hears of a way of entering a formula that tells me the
gt; answer. I think it was something to do with asking asda = 1 where
gt; skelmersdale occurs and asda = 1 where wigan occurs. Then the same for all
gt; the others.
gt; Please Help.
gt; Phil Jenkins

thats perfect, than you very much

quot;Bob Phillipsquot; wrote:

gt; Why not just
gt; =COUNTIF(B:B,quot;Wiganquot;)
gt; If the example data is only part and you don't want other stores in Wigan,
gt; use
gt; =SUMPRODUCT(--(ISNUMBER(MATCH(A1:A20,{quot;ASDAquot;,quot;ALDIquot;},0))),--(B1:B20=quot;Wiganquot;)
gt; )
gt; --
gt; HTH
gt; Bob Phillips
gt; (remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)
gt; quot;Phil Jenkinsquot; lt;Phil gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt; gt; Hi All,
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Here's my problem. I know a bit about formula's on excel but this one has
gt; gt; got me stumped. For example: I have to different shops with many different
gt; gt; locations. The locations are in different cells to the shops.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Here's an Example
gt; gt; Each line is classed as 1 incident
gt; gt; ASDA Wigan
gt; gt; ASDA Skelmersdale
gt; gt; ALDI Wigan
gt; gt; ALDI Skelmersdale
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I need to know how many occurences of asda wigan and aldi wigan. When i
gt; use
gt; gt; the =countif formula it deducts the answer from the first sum and uses it
gt; for
gt; gt; the second sum. I have hears of a way of entering a formula that tells me
gt; the
gt; gt; answer. I think it was something to do with asking asda = 1 where
gt; gt; skelmersdale occurs and asda = 1 where wigan occurs. Then the same for all
gt; gt; the others.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Please Help.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Phil Jenkins

thats perfect, than you very much

quot;Duke Careyquot; wrote:

gt; to get the count of ASDA/Wigan and ALDI/Wigan use
gt; =SUMPRODUCT(--(A1:A100={quot;ASDAquot;, quot;ALDIquot;})*(B1:B100=quot;Wiganquot;))
gt; quot;Phil Jenkinsquot; wrote:
gt; gt; Hi All,
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Here's my problem. I know a bit about formula's on excel but this one has
gt; gt; got me stumped. For example: I have to different shops with many different
gt; gt; locations. The locations are in different cells to the shops.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Here's an Example
gt; gt; Each line is classed as 1 incident
gt; gt; ASDA Wigan
gt; gt; ASDA Skelmersdale
gt; gt; ALDI Wigan
gt; gt; ALDI Skelmersdale
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I need to know how many occurences of asda wigan and aldi wigan. When i use
gt; gt; the =countif formula it deducts the answer from the first sum and uses it for
gt; gt; the second sum. I have hears of a way of entering a formula that tells me the
gt; gt; answer. I think it was something to do with asking asda = 1 where
gt; gt; skelmersdale occurs and asda = 1 where wigan occurs. Then the same for all
gt; gt; the others.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Please Help.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Phil Jenkins

thats perfect, than you very much

quot;Ron Coderrequot; wrote:

gt; Try something like this:
gt; With data in Col_A and Col_B
gt; C1: =SUMPRODUCT((A1:A10={quot;ASDAquot;,quot;ALDIquot;})*(B1:B10=quot;WIGA Nquot;))
gt; Adjust range references to suit your situation.
gt; Does that help?
gt; ***********
gt; Regards,
gt; Ron
gt; XL2002, WinXP-Pro
gt; quot;Phil Jenkinsquot; wrote:
gt; gt; Hi All,
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Here's my problem. I know a bit about formula's on excel but this one has
gt; gt; got me stumped. For example: I have to different shops with many different
gt; gt; locations. The locations are in different cells to the shops.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Here's an Example
gt; gt; Each line is classed as 1 incident
gt; gt; ASDA Wigan
gt; gt; ASDA Skelmersdale
gt; gt; ALDI Wigan
gt; gt; ALDI Skelmersdale
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I need to know how many occurences of asda wigan and aldi wigan. When i use
gt; gt; the =countif formula it deducts the answer from the first sum and uses it for
gt; gt; the second sum. I have hears of a way of entering a formula that tells me the
gt; gt; answer. I think it was something to do with asking asda = 1 where
gt; gt; skelmersdale occurs and asda = 1 where wigan occurs. Then the same for all
gt; gt; the others.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Please Help.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Phil Jenkins

thats perfect, than you very much

quot;SteveGquot; wrote:

gt; Assuming your data is in A1:B4 then,
gt; =SUMPRODUCT(OR(A1:A4=quot;ALDIquot;,A1:A4=quot;ASDAquot;)*(B1:C4=quot; Wiganquot;))
gt; Does that help?
gt; Steve
gt; --
gt; SteveG
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; SteveG's Profile:;userid=7571
gt; View this thread:

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