I created a line chart that plots a set of predetermined values, in this
case, a salesman's payout for hitting a certain % of his quota. The %'s to
quota are along the x-axis and the payouts are representated on the y-axis.
(Example: at 95% = $4,000, at 100% = $5,000, etc.) What I need to do is show
his payout on that line with a dot. Let's say he comes in at 98% and a
payout of $4,650. How can I do that?
one way would be to put his actual payout as a 2nd series. assuming its
an xy chart:
put your % values on the x axis,
the hypothetical values in series one, and
the actual payout against achieved percentage as series two.
series one style to plain line (no marker),
series two to marker only (no line)
and you'll get the effect I think you want--
Nicky's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...nfoamp;userid=312
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=522348
- Nov 18 Sat 2006 20:10
Show dot on line chart